
Just signed up yesterday, I'm a mature player familiar with booth MMO's and D&D, but not DDO.
Thought I would give it a try. I usually pick things up quickly but I would really appreciate some help getting started, I browsed the forums and bit and based on mentions in a few posts I decided to go with the Khyber Server, word is you is good people

My current character is Arnec Sharpe a paladin currently lvl 2 but I'll probably be trying out few other classes, I'll post them up here as I make them.

Soloing is rather boring and if your new it can be frustrating, so right now I'm looking for guild/group who has patience for newer players. I learn fast and I' sure I'll be able to contribute pretty soon. I certainly don't mind helping out new players myself provided they don't act children, and once I'm familiar with the starting area and have a few starting characters in the pipe I can help run other new players through for a guild, however I am looking for an established guild with experianced and mature players not a newbie guild.

Thanks in advance
