Okay, so I have installed the game for the first time. After which I open the "launcher.exe". It connects, then examines the programs, but when it begins "updating programs" I get an error dialogue box.
It is titled
"Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library"
It says:
Debug Error!
Program: ...ne\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach\TurbineLauncher.exe
abnormal program termination
(Press Retry to debug the application)
click-able options: [Abort] [Retry] [Ignore]
I've tried the retry and then in terminates and does nothing. Abort, obviously terminates the attempt. Ignore brings up another box.
Same title with the Visual C++
Same program: DDO- stormreach\turbine...exe etc
This time it's a Runtime Error
then you can click OK and everything terminates...
Any ideas as to what is wrong? My friends got the game two days ago and wanted me to play with them. They gave me a guest pass and I fear I will waste the pass without even logging in once.