So, I got to talking with the crew, and we decided to finally put to rest this whole speed record thing in the Shroud. I mean 14 mins? Really? Pffft, we can beat 14 mins no problem.
So, screenshots will follow with proof of the new speed record, but first I wanted to go over with everyone the amount of pre-work this type of endeavor entails. We had to send out people to liquor stores throughout the U.S. and perhaps even into Canada. There may be a whiskey shortage throughout North America for the next few days. Also, children may have had to have gone to bed without dinner or bedtime stories for a couple of nights, as their parents worked diligently as part of the Shroud-Record Preparation Team. Many potatoes had to be peeled, and tofu chickens de-feathered. No sacrifice was too great.
So without further ado... the slide show: (please feel free to click on pictures for a larger image)
Here, in our first picture, we begin the buffing process. We are fairly sure that we had already beat the measly 14 minute record at this point.
After buffs, a moment to get ourselves together was necessary before stepping through the portal.
Part One: There was some difficulty assessing our dps at the first portal, but we were certain we were still on pace for a new record.
Before part two, we decided a quick siesta was needed to recoup.
We have been told the most efficient method for a Shroud Time Record in part 2 is to bring all of the Lieutenants into the south central area, and kill them there. I questioned the wisdom of this decision as I saw our dwarven barbarian, Bottles, batted across the screen by the Troll.
So... the trick to part three in a Shroud Time Record is simple. RUN!
Part four can be tricky they say, so it is worth taking a quick moment to be sure everyone has ALL THE BUFFS THEY NEED!
Oh ya, don't forget to prove you got the chests in part 3, or people will think you were cheating on your record setting pace.
Part four... Everyone to the center! Watch the tail!
Dance Party!
Even a "seasoned" crew... or would that be marinated?... anyways... can meet with unexpected hitches in their road to making a record. That's okay though, room for improvement!
It was nice of Harry to take a pose for our record setting finale!
And the final time is...
Good Luck beating that one! Everybody Drink!