Hey ho. I made a warforged barbarian. I plain on making him pure barbarian to maybe someday take advantage of the level 20 barb enchancement (if I ever play this game long enough to get him to level 20).
Starting stats:
18 str
8 dex
18 con
8 int
8 wis
6 char
I put the 2 extra points into wisdom for an extra will point. Is this fine? I remember reading somewhere on here that barbs should just ignore AC entirely. Which makes sense but for now on the low-levels I am having trouble doing long missions since rest shrines barely give me any hp and every monster hits me. Is this normal for low levels? I'm just wondering if I'm making him right. Getting my initial strength up that high took a lot of points that I could have put into dex or something. Oh and I plan on making him a two-handed fighting barb. I already have a two-weapon fighting ranger so I didn't want to make my barb two-weapon fighting also.
I'm also wondering what feats to get. Since I'm warforged I'll probably want power attack for warforged power attack. Which means my attack will take a big hit, which is one of the reasons I went with 18 str. But I'm wondering if my attack will take too much of a hit to be reliable. I dunno. Also wondering if I should get all 3 of the two-handed fighting feats. That would leave 3 more. I dunno what to get for those. I was wondering if I should get spring attack to help reduce my attack penalties but using up 3 feats for that is kind of a pain and I don't know if I should be getting something else.
Also I'm wondering if I went with the above build if I should put all my stat bonuses into str?