Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
Raid Bosses:
Killing the Gnolls. 1 Stun + 1 swing = dead gnoll. And the loss of DPS vs not hitting the boss is worth it - because 1 heal is several hundred points of health back on him.
Easy as pie raid, DPS is dps. .But what makes the difference is lowering the time wasted on clearing trash. A stunned Devil dies a hell of a lot faster then one porting around like mad. Stunnign the bats and destroying them with a greataxe is also very effective.
My point is - Most raid encoutners in DDO are NOT vs only 1 enemy. Because 12 players vs 1 enemy makes for a very boring fight.
And in quests, clearing the bosses guards quick can help prevent a whipe much more so then having some extra hp so the cleric can wait 15.6 seconds to heal you instead of 15 seconds.
Anyways bottom line is simple:
If you are a active player and make use of stunning blow as best you can - It is an increible feat that trumps hitpoints any day.
If your a bit slower player that may forget to use it, perhaps toughness is better for you.
If you can fit both because your human or multiclass, get both.
Yes. Not only do they give you splash damage now that adds slightly to your DPS, in the next mod they will also have the chance of delivering "effects" on splash (DPS ones like elimental damage, and special ones like Vorpal). That means not only does your DPS go up with them, when you swing that greataxe vorpal in a crowd you could splash-vorpal a few to death and not just your main target![]()
haha you use stunning blow on bats
side note, cleave is a complete waste on a THF character, its a little irritating that its mandatory for the PrE. But hard to complain considering all the BS that kensai have to take. If you can get cap in a month, I would recommend putting off cleave until level 18.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
the THF feats, particularly on a barbarian. Adds more damage per swing than any other feat except the TWF chain or Power Attack. Buffed and what not, you're looking at an average increase of about 5 damage a feat/swing in this mod. (~30 a glancing blow, on 50% or 60% of your attacks, depending on movement) Next update this should increase to a minimum of 10-12 damage per feat per attack; in addition to proccing specialty effects.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Need no.. But it's highly recommended. Wis is the WF's main Barb main weakess. Reflex can be made up at least temporarily with improved uncanny dodge (+6 stacks with everything)
Barbarian +will while raged actaully isn't that great.. It's a morale bonus that doesn't stack with greater heroism, which you should have all the time at higher level anyways. So don't bother with the +will rage enhnacements. Altho by 20, it hits +4 base, so will rage enhancemetns will bring it beyond GH, making them effective. Pre-20, not worth it.
Tho we also get Idomitable will at lvl14, which does stack. But even with that, you still need a good wisdom.
My WF barb sits at 18 (10+2 tome , +6 item) and even then I get commanded occosonally.
Also look into the construct thinking enhancement,, its worth 1 rank.
Ok, thank you everyone. I will use the stat build Shade suggested.![]()
Ok one more quick question. I get 3 skill points a level. Should I put them into intimidate (for intimidate checks), listen, and jump? Or should I cross class?
Yea Initimdate, Jump..
Listen.. Personally I got for spot - due to the better availabilibty and synergy of spot items and general DC checks on spot being low enough that even cross classed I can see everything.
Tho listen works fine also.. Just different item slots. General hats (I prefer the minos legens)
You also need 1 rank into tumble, just so you can tumble.
And 5-10 ranks into balance, so you can get up off your but after being knocked down.
Sacrifice some listen/spot for these.
Also for jump - stop around 13-17 ranks.. Because you only need 40 - thats that cap for max jump height. And gneerally ~13 + 10-3 item = 26ish + gh = 30ish, and then rage, and your over 40 easy.