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  1. #1
    Founder Xirxx's Avatar
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    Default Returning Player - New Monk - Questions

    New Monk, Returning Player

    Hafling Lawful Neutral

    STR 13
    DEX 17
    CON 11
    INT 11
    WIS 15
    CHA 8

    Should I re-roll and get more CON? I am wondering if I will be in trouble. Going to have +1 Tome and +6 Item.

    I am going for possible CE - should I bother? I will be DEX based (clearly).


  2. #2
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    I think we'd need more info on what build you're aiming for (i.e. what weapons / stances you want).

    Personally, I'd just do some minor tweaking of maybe lowering DEX by a point, and using those 2 build points to put STR at 14 and con at 12. I like even numbers in those, as wind stance could lower con to 10, or water stance lowering str to 12.

    You could also lower WIS by a point, and put those extra points elsewhere if you like. /shrug.

    It also depends where you're planning on spending your 5 level up points.

  3. #3
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    looks like they are building ac build monk (Halfling Windstance) and go with Kama's for main weapons.

    I REALLY can't ofer any adivce on those builds other than use a 1/4 staff at low levels till about level 9-ish (when you feel good about switching).

    My build is a Human Grandmaster of the Elements build. General Based monk.

    If you know thats what you want to build and limit your monk to any possible future (Ergo, PrE's) then others can add to this thread. Wish I could help other than get some Vorpal Kama's ASAP, Transmuting 1/4 Staff, Weak of Enfeebling Kamas. (Hence why I like Handwraps, 1 item for 2 fists).

    MAYBE, up your strength to a 14 (at some point and maybe Con and Wis too) so that with a +4 tome you are within striking distance of going to Grandmaster in other styles of the elements) But thats just me, might not work for a halflings as well.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Go lawful Good, Pure good will add some much needed dps at early levels. IMO combat expertise is more trouble then it's worth, as using a finishing move knocks you out of stance. I got it at first, then took it off the hotbar but kept is for improved trip, then finally ditched both of those feats as I got better geared.
    Last edited by Dythan; 07-10-2009 at 08:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Founder Xirxx's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    I had torun out but I wanted to go wind stance and handwraps. I was gonna put 4 in dex and 1 in wis. Do most young monks use qs early on?

    Feats to be wf, twf, itwf, gtwf, pa, dodge, toughness, ic:bludgeoning, ce

    is ce worth it? Or should I drop the int points?

    I heard there is a good neutral item later on. That's why I picked neutral
    Last edited by Xirxx; 07-10-2009 at 08:35 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Xirxx View Post
    I had torun out but I wanted to go wind stance and handwraps. I was gonna put 4 in dex and 1 in wis. Do most young monks use qs early on?

    Feats to be wf, twf, itwf, gtwf, pa, dodge, toughness, ic:bludgeoning, ce

    is ce worth it? Or should I drop the int points?

    I heard there is a good neutral item later on. That's why I picked neutral

    I have a level 14 dex based monk, handwraps are the way to go. You will struggle in the dPS department be warned. I found my niche as a stat damager and do most of my DPS off critical hits and stunning fists, many situations this is immpossible.

    CE will be fine to take, those extra 5 pts of AC will keep you standing in the 60's where your AC will really make a difference, I would have done it had I the points to spend. Mid - levels and in groups without a dedicated buffer you may find yourself turning it off now and then.

    Stay with the wraps but carry transmuting, greater bane and vorpal kamas if you can.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

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