So, Im going to put this out there cause perhaps one of you may have a valid suggestion for (legal) ways to earn extra cash.
I am a proud dad of 4 kids, work at a full time job and guess what, I would like to earn a little extra income. I want to put about 10 hours a week into something that is worth my time. I am done looking through newspaper and online classifieds add for ideas. I am just looking for some creative ideas. I already work from home anyways, so something I can do at home would be ideal.
To be honest, Im not truly comfortable putting this out here, however this is the only "community" I belong too. I dont have facebook,myspace or twitter. I dont do much else online but DDO. What ive noticed about most ppl who play DDO are generally great ppl. So, I thought Id put this out there.
I am not looking for "Get rich quick " or multi-level marketing type schemes.
And, really... only serious replies are requested here please.
For those who are considering replying thanks!!
Feel free to private message me if you prefer.