True Story...

was running my pali this weekend to get his 20th reaver. Np, easy right?

Attempt 1: group picks elite, Eles pop right away, our 2 arcanes decide to not throw a single spell. our main tank dies, secondary tanks - right up the middle, Both clerics die, game over. people start kk pug group, guess it is to be expected.

Attempt 2: Nice enough group, PL is a little talkative, no one is responding, so he asks if anyone has a puzzle solver up or should he pull up his own. I feel a little bad that no one is responding to like his 3rd question so i kindly chime in "I do not have a solver up bro". We go in on elite and take the giant down with just a little difficulty but we get him. get to the puzzle and the PL says hey kindread you can start the puzzle now! EEEEEKKKKK! i was like dude i said i do not have a solver up!.. Awwwkward!!!! so We get a solver up and get to the last skull for the solving attempt and DING! everyone dies!!! Doh! Stupid Pali!!!!!

Attempt 3: Again, Nice enough group, Young dude has a 12th level tank he wants to run through reaver. he says he has several other capped toons so I'm like "Sure dude!" we fill and he goes in on elite, asks if he can Tank and dies like 2 minutes into it. then for some reason both arcanes Die at the same freakin time, no reason why. The eles pop but CC does not slow them much and fire seems to have little effect. cleric drops, then posts combat log showing that he was killed by the reaver from a Disintegrate spell? ***? Reaver casts Disentigrate? few more spectators die off, no big deal they werent even watching the popcorn i started cooking (it burned btw). Next thing you know "WHAT GOES UP!" everyone remaining alive hits the ceiling one or two die only about 5 left, what the hell right? any Ub3r can solo this thing right. only about 2 minutes on the ceiling i realize I am not comming down. Nope dont have fly.. then someone else says "hey, anyone else stuck on the ceiling?" to which everyone chimes "Yup!" lol, 10 minutes later (still on ceiling) and everything we can think of results in a "screw this the dam quest is bugged!" Everyone drops!

Attempt 4: Here comes LEGION!!!! Yay!!! surely gonna complete this one!!!!! SO i make my ussual Legion jokes about chuck Norris Vs. Legion and telling everyone that if we fail it will automatically be Legions fault. boy we go in on elite. Fire walls everywhere. PL mentions firewalls are stealling aggro, arcane says nope they are in the correct places... Bam!, sweet, Reaver eventually falls. everyone heads toward puzzle not one mention about the puzzle the entire quest and legion-boi to remain anonymous b/c I generally like the crew, start spinning skulls at a somewhat blistering pace, only problem is, he goes on.....and on.....and on........ then say's oh **** i may be a little more drunk that i thought, someone esle is gonna have to do this.... OOOHHHH Great ( since i am useless in most quests anyway, the light at the end of this tunnel rapidly fades to black (Metallica song intro and all).... another Legion guy runs in after the seeming 3 minute awkward silence and starts to solve... PL says "we are running out of time". To Which, legion-Boi #2 responds Calmly, (in Cheesy DDO DM VOICE)"We have plenty of ti-" DING!! everyone dead!!! PL Says "told Ya!"
Legion says," well gotta go do a guild run see ya!!"
Good thing I drink Like a fish otherwise i would have not thought that to be too funny! But I do and it was!! ROFL

Attempt 5: pulled a F***ing ring of lies on my 20th drop! Can I even use it? I mean I didnt even get a head of good fortune for crying out loud!!!!!!

Dam You TURBINE!!!!!!!!!!