To say that if you PUG all the time then nobody in their right mind is going to accept you into their group with that build. It may work in a guild or static group -- but not in a PUG.
In a PUG the expectation is that the cleric will heal, at least most of the time. Your attitude towards "strategy" means that you are not interested in what most PUGs are interested in -- rapid completion for loot and XP so that they can move on to the next quest. What you are looking for isn't found in PUGs as a general rule.
I'm sure that your build will be playable to L20. Most builds are. But not in PUGs, not with a repeater, not with a cleric who doesn't think their primary responsibility is to help with healing.
You are not a true battle cleric. You are not a true ranger. You have a gimp build that you expect people to love which isn't going to happen.
"I'm getting tired of all the pugs that play with absolutely no strategy at all because they rely too much on heal bots."
Obviously you are much smarter than the rest of the DDO community because they are tired of clerics who whine "I don't heal." We're clearly in the wrong on this since there are so many other character classes with healing power. Heck, I even read about a Sorcerer whose UMD was so good he was casting Heal.
"I tell people to consider me as a ranger that can backup heal and they still dont seem to get it."
Because your build doesn't make any sense and you are not a ranger. Yeah, I can see how they don't get it.
"My build will eventually be 15 cleric 3 pally 2 monk. my starting stats were 8/16/6/10/18/16. It is a defensive repeating crossbow build."
It looks more to me like a piker build. Possibly great AC, evasion, great saving throws, has to always run around behind everyone else because it can't take a hit. What do groups need with a defense like that? Yeah, 5 players getting the snot beat out of them and you running around kiting with your repeater, self-healing, and generally contributing nothing to the group's success.
"my ingame name is Zeromus. Im currently 3/3/2"
Thanks for the warning. Now people know who to avoid.
Seriously, the build concept stinks -- especially for PUGs. No wonder you wrote, "This is a good time for me to add i would like a mature guild please."
Doddering would be more accurate. Senile, perhaps. That way they'll forget what happens every quest with Zero (they'll probably just think it is the meatloaf giving them indigestion again).