Originally Posted by
I am not upset.
I understand that your stacking of numbers is more effective than my aestetic build.
---quote from paladins in PnP D&D... this is what seperates paladins and clerics basically since you think you have an aesthetic build. "Paladins have all the faith and fervor that any priest wields, but we know that in the end it is our arm that swings the sword. Not our prayers." Take it to heart bud....----
However, my experienced in the game has been that in the long run, it really matters little.
-----your long run must of been very very short-----
Right now, RIGHT NOW (ooo caps I must be furious) my guy rocks...period.
No I am not the best healer, I am the second best.
---caps generally mean yelling or an increased emotional state while typing. Use some common sense and adjust accordingly... though with your build idea you probably dont have much.-----
No, I am not TWP (two-weapon psycho build), but I do my share.
---i would boot you and get a hireling paladin for more dps... your share sucks-----
I do play with understanding people who have fun, so as they say, the ones who love you accept you for who you are.
---the ones who love you put up with who you are... we all need someone to laugh at----
I will let you all know how I bad I do when I do get to higher levels. If I beleive he is a gimp, an noone want to play with him, then so be it. I have found such prejudice before.
---we dont you to tell us, we know the game, we know your character will suck and be a complete detriment to any party at endgame. Have you not been reading the responses?-----
The game is fun, keep it that way.
Exactly at what time do I say "thanks but no thanks" in regards to help.
---you can say thanks by telling your guild, "guys, this will blow your minds... but i am going to make a useful build".----
Is the OP ignorant? I don't think so.
-----ignorant, its not an insult, look it up. i can post the definition if you are to lazy to do so.----
I know that I do not resort to name-calling or insults or continual use of witty sarcasm when I do not agree.
-----good for you, accept peoples personalities as to how they respond to things... you want people to accept your worthless build... 2 way street ..... or get out of your moms basement if thats not realized yet----
Since the begining of the game I have heard from the bleachers:
1) Don't play a warforged ----PLAY WF, WE ARE THE GODS OF EBERRON---- *corrected*
2) Diplo the chests---never heard it----
3) YOU MUST HAVE DVs? No DVs noone will want you for end-game/----my cleric has no dvs, dvs are for gimps... they make pots for sp... use em----
4) Don't use a bow they are nerfed. ---yup, true story---
5) Don't waste points on that skill. ----waste points on whatever skill ya want, noone has to know----
6)Don't go full-time shield use.---- use a shield all the time, just not for things that dont hit back.... kinda common sense-----
7)and now Don't be a full-time shield using healing Paladin because the Portals in the Shroud don't like it.---glad you understand this one.... plenty of guides on here to help you maximize a paladins potential being a pure pally----
Hey guys I understand what your saying, I just ain't doing respect my opinion please. -- we dont need to respect it, YOU posted it on the forums.... this is where the trolls live, this is where the powergamers are spending there time since we havent had much to do since mod 7----
Doorstop Paladin...thats rich. ----does what you want your build to do.. but better!----