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It all depends on the build and role. If you're in a raiding guild, a pure pally done up right makes for a great off intimitank (like in VOD) and the auras can really help a main intimitank. My pure pally does good, but not great DPS, with buffs can hit over 70 AC easily, has a good intim and great survivability. Due to AP costs, I'm one short of the max AC aura, but with the increased level cap I'll add it.
That said, I'm not sure if I'll remain pure or not w/ the new level cap. I probably will stay pure, but going monk 2 for two feats and evasion is pretty nice. F2 would give intim, two feats and Tower Shield proficiency. Rogue 2 would give intim and evasion. (by intim, I mean as a class skill)