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  1. #1
    Community Member Halifex's Avatar
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    Default Wounders vs. Puncturers

    Assuming you do NOT have a WOP weapon, which is more desireable ... wounding or puncturing?

    Obviously, the answer is directly related to the Armor Class of the target.

    But can we analyze the situation further?

    Yes ...

    The breakeven point between wounders (that are not puncturers) and puncturers (that are not wounders) is a roll of 8 out of d20. In other words, when your total attack bonus + 8 = the armor class of the target the two weapons are about equivalent in terms of CON damage dealt to the target over a long time.

    When the Armor Class is higher, a roll greater than 8 is required to hit. In this case, puncturing weapons tend to do more CON damage. The higher the Armor Class, the more advantageous the puncturer is. If the target's Armor Class is lower (or your Total Attack bonus is higher), such that a roll of 7 or even less hits, then wounders are more advantageous.

    Obviously, WOP's are better, but are out of reach price-wise for many of us.

    This analysis assumes that the odds of rolling a 1, 2, 3, ... 20 are equally 5% each. I have become less convinced that this is the case. I suspect Turbine alters the "die rolls" based on a number of factors, but I have no data so I will not say anything further.

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    wounding in offhand, puncturing in mainhand..problem solved
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    o o

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    wounding in offhand, puncturing in mainhand..problem solved
    Yes. This combo lets you combine other weapon properties, like 'of backstabbing' and Seeker, which together will be very useful for dealing critical damage once CON 0 is changed to no longer be instant death.

  4. #4
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    wounding in offhand, puncturing in mainhand..problem solved
    Wounding in the off-hand would suffer from half STR mod bonus to damage and might fail to pass DR in some cases, which negates wounding damage. Since puncutring doesn't lose anything from this, it would be better to switch them.

    Also, I didn't make it clear in my first post that I was assuming keen or IC: Pierce with rapiers.

  5. #5


    If you run a high threat weapon (e.g. rapier) with Improved Crit, the puncturer has a very small (fractional con damage) lead on a wounder. If you don't have high threat puncturing + improved crit, wounders pull ahead.

    If you run with people who stone/hold stuff a lot, the puncturer pulls way ahead as a result of the auto crits.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  6. #6
    Community Member Halifex's Avatar
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    Oops ... realized a critical missing piece of information:

    This analysis assumed a shortsword, dagger, repeater and that the user had Improved Critical feat.

    With a rapier, the numbers are probably different, favoring puncturing over wounders even more. With picks, the numbers probably favor wounders.

    I left rapiers out since they tend to be pricey whether puncturing or WOP (very pricey).
    Last edited by Halifex; 07-04-2009 at 01:59 PM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Halifex View Post
    Oops ... realized a critical missing piece of information:

    This analysis assumed a shortsword, dagger, repeater and that the user had Improved Critical feat.

    With a rapier, the numbers are probably different, favoring puncturing over wounders even more. With picks, the numbers probably favor wounders.

    I left rapiers out since they tend to be pricey whether puncturing or WOP (very pricey).
    You have a Bloodstone? Or other crit confirming additions? Because you're assuming auto-confirm on your crits.
    Last edited by SableShadow; 07-04-2009 at 02:26 PM.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  8. #8


    I find puncturing better for the most part.

    There are lots of ways to increase the effectiveness of puncturing and none to increase the effectiveness of wounding (that wouldn't also help puncturing as well).

    Now with the new mod changes, where they are allowing limited stat damage on bosses, a wounder might get you to -10 on a stat as fast as a puncturing since 10 attacks can happen really fast.

    I think puncturing might also be "cheaper" in terms of the + equivalent on the weapon but I'm not sure of that. I did a whole show on that but I don't recall.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  9. #9
    Stormreach Advisor
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    On average, with improved crit, puncturing damage:

    Rapier: 1.05 con dmg per hit (3.5*30%)
    SS: .7 (3.5*20%)

    Does not include crit confirmation boosts, or any type of threat extension, and assumes threat always = confirmation.

  10. #10
    Community Member DragoonPenguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    You have a Bloodstone? Or other crit confirming additions? Because you're assuming auto-confirm on your crits.
    yeah, the op's assumption seems backward to me regarding crits. if you have a harder time hitting the mob you sure as hell arent going to crit the mob any easier. for toons with low to hit: unless your party is making mobs autocrit (or you are through spells or whatever) use wounders (or your spells :P). if you dont miss: puncturing rapiers are marginally more effective on paper (19 vs 21 con dmg every 20 hits), though in practice they seem to blow wounders out of the water.

  11. #11
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Puncturers are generally always better due to seeker bonuses. If you're wearing a bloodstone, the puncturer is always better unless your to hit is so low that it's not really reasonable in DDO. (Edit: I made the assumption we're always talking about rapiers with keen or improved crit, because it's not that expensive or hard to get a "just of puncturing" rapier.)

    Also, it sounded like there was a misconception posted here somewhere. Just in case someone is unaware, confirmation on a roll of 1 is possible if that roll covers the AC. There is no auto-fail on a 1 for confirmations. I confirmed this by seeing a confirmation on a 1 in my combat log or while watching the die roll display on several occasions.
    Last edited by Hadrian; 07-19-2009 at 12:59 PM.

  12. #12
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    I calc wounding is better in unless you have a punc wep with effective crit range of 6 or greater.
    A punct rapier is marginally better than any wounder in the best case scenario (need a 1 to hit gives W:19 P:21)

    A Bloodstone etc changes the equation dramatically.
    A punc rapier && Bloodstone is up to 7.35 times as effective.

    With a bloodstone a crit range of 4 punct wep will out perform a wounder until you hit 75% or more of the time (more hits are better for a wounder).

    In all other cases wounders are better (if you can do damage).

    1 always misses
    20 always hits
    1 confirms crit
    all hits do damage

    The algorithm to calc puncturing damage is;

    TR * D6 * (( MOD + CC )- #H) * 0.05

    If you need a 1 to hit MOD = 20
    otherwise MOD == 21

    TR == MINIMUM(Num Hits/20 att or threat range of wep inc any increases)
    #H == num required to hit
    D6 == 3.5 ave damage
    CC == Crit confirming adds ie seeker or Crit Accuraccy
    Last edited by TechNoFear; 07-20-2009 at 04:25 AM.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  13. #13
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    TR == 2
    No Bloodstone
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrit	Confirm	
    20	1	1	0.175	1.175	1	5%		
    19	2	2	0.7	2.7	2	10%		
    18	3	3	1.05	4.05	2	15%		
    17	4	4	1.4	5.4	2	20%		
    16	5	5	1.75	6.75	2	25%		
    15	6	6	2.1	8.1	2	30%		
    14	7	7	2.45	9.45	2	35%		
    13	8	8	2.8	10.8	2	40%		
    12	9	9	3.15	12.15	2	45%		
    11	10	10	3.5	13.5	2	50%		
    10	11	11	3.85	14.85	2	55%		
    9	12	12	4.2	16.2	2	60%		
    8	13	13	4.55	17.55	2	65%		
    7	14	14	4.9	18.9	2	70%		
    6	15	15	5.25	20.25	2	75%		
    5	16	16	5.6	21.6	2	80%		
    4	17	17	5.95	22.95	2	85%		
    3	18	18	6.3	24.3	2	90%		
    2	19	19	6.65	25.65	2	95%		
    1	19	19	7	26	2	100%		
    TR == 2
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrits	Confirm
    20	1	1	1.225	2.225	1	35%		
    19	2	2	2.8	4.8	2	40%		
    18	3	3	3.15	6.15	2	45%		
    17	4	4	3.5	7.5	2	50%		
    16	5	5	3.85	8.85	2	55%		
    15	6	6	4.2	10.2	2	60%		
    14	7	7	4.55	11.55	2	65%		
    13	8	8	4.9	12.9	2	70%		
    12	9	9	5.25	14.25	2	75%		
    11	10	10	5.6	15.6	2	80%		
    10	11	11	5.95	16.95	2	85%		
    9	12	12	6.3	18.3	2	90%		
    8	13	13	6.65	19.65	2	95%		
    7	14	14	7	21	2	100%		
    6	15	15	7	22	2	100%		
    5	16	16	7	23	2	100%		
    4	17	17	7	24	2	100%		
    3	18	18	7	25	2	100%		
    2	19	19	7	26	2	100%		
    1	19	19	7	26	2	100%		
    TR == 4
    No Bloodstone
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrits	Confirm	
    20	1	1	0.175	1.175	1	5%		
    19	2	2	0.7	2.7	2	10%		
    18	3	3	1.575	4.575	3	15%		
    17	4	4	2.8	6.8	4	20%		
    16	5	5	3.5	8.5	4	25%		
    15	6	6	4.2	10.2	4	30%		
    14	7	7	4.9	11.9	4	35%		
    13	8	8	5.6	13.6	4	40%		
    12	9	9	6.3	15.3	4	45%		
    11	10	10	7	17	4	50%		
    10	11	11	7.7	18.7	4	55%		
    9	12	12	8.4	20.4	4	60%		
    8	13	13	9.1	22.1	4	65%		
    7	14	14	9.8	23.8	4	70%		
    6	15	15	10.5	25.5	4	75%		
    5	16	16	11.2	27.2	4	80%		
    4	17	17	11.9	28.9	4	85%		
    3	18	18	12.6	30.6	4	90%		
    2	19	19	13.3	32.3	4	95%		
    1	19	19	14	33	4	100%	
    TR == 4
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrits	Confirm	
    20	1	1	1.225	2.225	1	35%		
    19	2	2	2.8	4.8	2	40%		
    18	3	3	4.725	7.725	3	45%		
    17	4	4	7	11	4	50%		
    16	5	5	7.7	12.7	4	55%		
    15	6	6	8.4	14.4	4	60%		
    14	7	7	9.1	16.1	4	65%		
    13	8	8	9.8	17.8	4	70%		
    12	9	9	10.5	19.5	4	75%		
    11	10	10	11.2	21.2	4	80%		
    10	11	11	11.9	22.9	4	85%		
    9	12	12	12.6	24.6	4	90%		
    8	13	13	13.3	26.3	4	95%		
    7	14	14	14	28	4	100%		
    6	15	15	14	29	4	100%		
    5	16	16	14	30	4	100%		
    4	17	17	14	31	4	100%		
    3	18	18	14	32	4	100%		
    2	19	19	14	33	4	100%		
    1	19	19	14	33	4	100%		
    TR == 6
    No Bloodstone
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrits	Confirm
    20	1	1	0.175	1.175	1	5%		
    19	2	2	0.7	2.7	2	10%		
    18	3	3	1.575	4.575	3	15%		
    17	4	4	2.8	6.8	4	20%		
    16	5	5	4.375	9.375	5	25%		
    15	6	6	6.3	12.3	6	30%		
    14	7	7	7.35	14.35	6	35%		
    13	8	8	8.4	16.4	6	40%		
    12	9	9	9.45	18.45	6	45%		
    11	10	10	10.5	20.5	6	50%		
    10	11	11	11.55	22.55	6	55%		
    9	12	12	12.6	24.6	6	60%		
    8	13	13	13.65	26.65	6	65%		
    7	14	14	14.7	28.7	6	70%		
    6	15	15	15.75	30.75	6	75%		
    5	16	16	16.8	32.8	6	80%		
    4	17	17	17.85	34.85	6	85%		
    3	18	18	18.9	36.9	6	90%		
    2	19	19	19.95	38.95	6	95%		
    1	19	19	21	40	6	100%		
    TR == 6
    to hit	Hits	Wound	Punc	WoP   MaxCrits	Confirm	
    20	1	1	1.225	2.225	1	35%		
    19	2	2	2.8	4.8	2	40%		
    18	3	3	4.725	7.725	3	45%		
    17	4	4	7	11	4	50%		
    16	5	5	9.625	14.625	5	55%		
    15	6	6	12.6	18.6	6	60%		
    14	7	7	13.65	20.65	6	65%		
    13	8	8	14.7	22.7	6	70%		
    12	9	9	15.75	24.75	6	75%		
    11	10	10	16.8	26.8	6	80%		
    10	11	11	17.85	28.85	6	85%		
    9	12	12	18.9	30.9	6	90%		
    8	13	13	19.95	32.95	6	95%		
    7	14	14	21	35	6	100%		
    6	15	15	21	36	6	100%		
    5	16	16	21	37	6	100%		
    4	17	17	21	38	6	100%		
    3	18	18	21	39	6	100%		
    2	19	19	21	40	6	100%		
    1	19	19	21	40	6	100%
    EDIT: Found an error in my algorithm.

    It was failing if the number of hits per 20 attacks was less than the threat range.

    Also added Bloodstone
    Last edited by TechNoFear; 07-20-2009 at 04:21 AM.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  14. #14
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Techno's breakdown looks good. I like it, but for the non-math-junkies, note that it's not taking into account any confirmation differential - the trials he ran just verify the .7 and 1.05 numbers I mentioned on the threat side, and those are constants. Also good to know you can confirm on 1 - good info Hadrian.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elurian View Post
    Techno's breakdown looks good. I like it, but for the non-math-junkies, note that it's not taking into account any confirmation differential - the trials he ran just verify the .7 and 1.05 numbers I mentioned on the threat side, and those are constants. Also good to know you can confirm on 1 - good info Hadrian.
    If you have a seeker effect then just count down the Punct column that number (ie Bloodstone count down 6).

    If this takes you off the bottom of the list, use the last (#H == 1) value.

    I provided the algorithm I used, which takes seeker into account, if you want to post the numbers.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  16. #16
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    There is no reason not to be using a rapier if you want to go with puncturing. If all you care about is "of puncturing", then a rapier is easy to get. It's not expensive enough to get someone stuck only being able to afford a dagger or something.

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