Assuming you do NOT have a WOP weapon, which is more desireable ... wounding or puncturing?
Obviously, the answer is directly related to the Armor Class of the target.
But can we analyze the situation further?
Yes ...
The breakeven point between wounders (that are not puncturers) and puncturers (that are not wounders) is a roll of 8 out of d20. In other words, when your total attack bonus + 8 = the armor class of the target the two weapons are about equivalent in terms of CON damage dealt to the target over a long time.
When the Armor Class is higher, a roll greater than 8 is required to hit. In this case, puncturing weapons tend to do more CON damage. The higher the Armor Class, the more advantageous the puncturer is. If the target's Armor Class is lower (or your Total Attack bonus is higher), such that a roll of 7 or even less hits, then wounders are more advantageous.
Obviously, WOP's are better, but are out of reach price-wise for many of us.
This analysis assumes that the odds of rolling a 1, 2, 3, ... 20 are equally 5% each. I have become less convinced that this is the case. I suspect Turbine alters the "die rolls" based on a number of factors, but I have no data so I will not say anything further.