I love my Q-Staff Acrobat, & I'll keep playing him regardless, but I can't escape the fact that he just doesn't deliver the DPS of a Dual Wielder.
Please point out my errors (no doubt I made some).
I've used all the info I could find on swing rates etc. Assumed 100% Sneak Chance (not that unrealistic given Radiance & good Aggro management), Power Attack, 30STR & +20 Sneak Damage from Items & Enhancements. 3 types of Fortification & DR shown.
With a +5 Quarterstaff
With 2x +5 Rapier
With 2x +5 Khopesh
(Can't seem to post the actual images)
In short, the 2WF out-Damages the Q-staff per minute by no small margain:
22.5% - 53.8% for Rapiers > QS
27.2% - 61.4% for Khopesh > QS
I propose with Acrobat 3 a mechanic is introduced to apply the x1.5 multiplier effect of the Q-Staff to Sneak Dice also (essentially 8d6+20 becomes 12d6+30). This could be tied also to a Feat, such as Improved Two Handed Fighting (to be on par with the Feats required for 2WF). All else being equal, this would change Q-Staff Damage to this.
With this small change, the gap is closed between the 2 fighting styles to the following:
0.99% - 20.4% for Rapiers > QS
2.82% - 25.9% for Khopesh > QS
This will make Acrobats more than just a cool looking toyYet 2WF will still retain their superior DPS status (up to the equivalent of a Haste over Q-Staves).
Please Devs & fellow sneakies, I'd love some feedback!