Approximately how much DPS does one loose by going Dex vs. Str.?
Seems to me most of the rogue damage comes from backstab and Greensteel if you have it.
Given that (speaking about damage not "To Hit) the damage gained from strength is based upon the strength modifier I wonder how much is actually lost by going dex based.
i.e. A strength based rogue may have an 18 Strength(+4 Modifier).
If I understand correctly(and I may not) that character would get a +4 to damage on each successful hit. (Barring things like DR)
A dexterity based rogue may only have a 10 strength(no modifier).
If I understand correctly(again.. I may not) the dex based rogue would be getting 4 points of damage less per successful hit vs. a strength based one.(given the above example)
If that's true I am wondering if the trade-off would be worth it.
Trade the 4 points of dmg per swing for....
The increase on skills that require a dex check.
The increase of AC that would come with a higher Dex.
The increase of "To Hit" from a Dex based.(Assuming Weapon Finesse and not having to spread out ability points as much on creation)
I understand though that the str based would have access to power attack which would increase damage some.
I guess I am wondering if I am thinking all of this through correctly.
Trying to figure out the advantages vs. disadvantages of a dex vs. str based rogue.
This would be for an assassain build that also helps mele in a party.
Thanks in advance for the help. Those that need to flame.... flame on.