Yargore, are dex rangers viable now and when mod 9 comes out? I am curious as to why, if you don't mind answering.
Yargore, are dex rangers viable now and when mod 9 comes out? I am curious as to why, if you don't mind answering.
Narp stay clear of dex based rangers the stat damage will be nerfed in mod 9 so dps the way forward, stick with Yarold's build he knows best. He might be arrogant and self opinionated BUT 99% of the time he's correct
Nice to see you upsetting the locals m8ty keep up the good work and we wil have you back in EU in no time![]()
Hmm you seem to find small numbers amusing so heres some to get stuck into.
1 - your english or should i say american sucks, your point is ??? by taking a monk splash u only gain a few ac??
that would be the whole point by taking a monk splash would add +6-8 to ac
2 - Oversized Two Weapon Fighting is a MUST for any toon wanting to have dps so would say for the majority players this would be a no brainer, OH wait i always see massive dps toons with a dorf axe in one hand and a dagger in the other
3 - And lastly whats your beef with EU players??? you mock us?? dude chill out and enjoy the game in here the are no nationalities just peeps trying to have some fun![]()
Quick commentary here as I add my 2cp:
1) I see your point, mate, but you can't criticise someone else's English when you don't capitalise properly, or use "u" instead of "you"
2) Agreed, OTWF is a common pick. Sure, some pure BAB classes don't *need* it, but you may as well take it as a Tempest Ranger as it's a pre-req for Tempest III. No harm done there at all.
PS - OP, go with dwarven axes if you like. I did on a Human, and got a lot of comments and stares, it was great.
If you're keen on adding a bit of uniqueness, go for it.
If not, there's always khopesh...
Never criticize someone's grammar/spelling unless you have the ability to not utterly fail in the same regard. Besides, just because you don't understand the point doesn't always mean that it is the point that is stupid, swift.
And while I am not American, I'm sure all the other US players appreciate your attempted dig at them and their culture![]()
Read above post wasn't your grammar i was questioning but your substance. I do understand your point and as i said its basically wrong, you could learn from people such as Yargore. Lastly *** is the point you are trying to make about US players that i was somehow being rude to their culture? read my post again and this time try and actually absorb the content of it.(check dictionary english & US english)and is it i making such comments as - Go go Euro "powergamers"!
Cheers for the appreciation mate
This is what I got to deal with every day here on these forums.
They keep saying that I'm wrong, but they can't rarely say what i'm wrong about. When they try they usually fails too.
The wannabes only listen to posters like Borror0 and A_D here.
OTWF is a garbage feat, one of four garbage feats required as the pre-req. The best of the bunch? Perhaps. You have it taken at level 9.
As for the WIS and DEX, I see Euros in general have trouble following written text. I said the monk splash was a waste (and thereby the investment in dex and wis). And as a bonus you get locked into Icy's. For what? 9-10 ac max if you push it with gear? In the face of mod 9 changes and the locked up equipment slots, the trade off isn't worth it. At all.
"Better than 99% of 32pt rangers"? In your head maybe. Either way, enjoy mate.
Last edited by Delt; 07-03-2009 at 08:07 PM.
You are dead wrong, OTWF is a very good feat. Unless ofcourse you insist on using shortsword or kukri in your offhand.
+2 tohit is quite alot.
It might be because we don't speak english here in sweden (Yea, there is a big world outside US you know?), but this linein the context of your post)
seem to state that adding dex and wis for a monk splash is somehow wrong.OTWF? Added DEX and WIS for a monk splash that only adds a few AC with a mid-20's dex (and that's completely ignoring the mod 9 changes)?
Getting high AC is the only valid reason to go ranger, they have low DPS compared to fighters, so why would you ever go ranger if you only cared about DPS?
Having ~70 self buffed AC will most probably be very usefull, even in mod 9.
So I stand by that statement, it is better than 99% of 32 pt rangers because this is the best way to build a ranger.
Your mod 9 speculations are hilariuos, do you really think AC will become completely useless?
The few grazing hits will most likely be absorbed by DR, and what makes you think there won't be ways to get the AC even higher in mod 9?
I'm guessing 75+ selfbuffed in PA will be possible with mod 9 gear.
OTWF is good if you're low on to-hit, but if you're hitting on a 2 already it's wasted.
Some people like AC some don't, both are viable paths. It's a trade off on how much you're willing to invest in it. More ac generally comes at a cost of damage and gear slots, finding the balance that works is up to the individual player.
Will this build work for a Warforged, or possible a dwarf?
I was thinking of a WF just because I like their immunities and not needing a waterbreathing item. What would I be giving up?
I thought about the dwarf because of the Dwarven Axes?
What are the pro's and Cons of both?
You will lose a feat as WF, and your CSW will lose alot of its power. The tohit is also in the low end, so the PA enhancments will not be that good either.
It would work, but it's far from as good as human.
Dwarf is kinda pointless, offers nothing over human really.
Dwarven axes will drain 12 APs and still be weaker than khopeshes.
Dwarfs real strength is their extra saves, but a ranger/monk will have good enough saves, so it's not really a benefit.
I really recommend human, it's really good synergi between human and rangers atm.