Hey guys,
Do halflings lose the -4 due to size on Stunning Blow as well as trip?
Thank you
Hey guys,
Do halflings lose the -4 due to size on Stunning Blow as well as trip?
Thank you
Not as far as I know, but I personally have not tested it, I don't think they lose anything to feat dc's though.
They shouldn't get a penalty -- if anything they should get a bonus. After all, they're right down there at the perfect angle to really stunningly blow (and I don't even mean that the way I'd twist it if it wasn't me typing it) their opponents.
Trip too. House roaming ankle biters are natural trippers, along with medium sized dogs, and most house cats.
Thanks for the replies.
I am fairly sure trip suffers a penalty, but haven't ben able to determine whether stunning blow does.
You guys who have had difficulty landing stunning blows; I heard monk handwraps don't correctly add the weighted bonus to their DCs; maybe that is the issue.
My halfling barbarian, lands trips and stunning blow all the time. It is a str based save, and with a 44 str when raged up I land them most of time.
Its not size based, its str based. If you have a 28-30 and some enhancements I'd say go for it. You used to be able to see the DC if you mouse over it. Its a fort save. I believe it starts at 10 base and then +Str, enhancements, and weighted. You want, Rage, Madstone, and anything thats gonna offer to hit bonuses to ensure you dont miss the swing altogether, you cant build it into your attack chain unfortunately.
If you are dex based I wouldnt even play with it, find your damage somewhere else.
Also, handwraps add nothing to stunning blow or stunning fist DCs. They do have their own chance, but they don't add to your chance to land in feat use. I have a strength based halfling monk, and get stuns with a quarterstaff with weighted, which is not broke, and does stack with the feat.