Some info for the computers that are supposed to run DDO on the same network. Here is my equipment:
ISP: AT&T Yahoo
Router: D-Link DIR-655
Computer 1: Pre-Built - Vista x64 directly connected to the router
Computer 2: ASUS G50vt laptop - Vista x64 Wireless N under Intel adapter
Computer 3: Dell Laptop - XP SP3 Wireless N under D-Link adapter
Firewall: Router (turned off) and Comodo Firewall on all 3 comps
Here's my problem. I can work DDO 100% on both Computer 1 and 2 with absolutely no problem at the same time. It just worked right away without portforwarding and exceptions, even on the router.
I get the Client Timed Out Connection on Computer 3, even if both #1 and #2 aren't playing the game. I have turned off both Comodo and Windows Firewall. I made exceptions on the ports AND programs needed on both firewalls AND the router. In fact, I turned off the router's firewall altogether! #1 and #2 still work! I followed the directions on . And no help as always. Knowledgebases never work. I thought they solved common problems?
It's just so frustrating that the game won't work at all, even if leaving the comp vulnerable to any attack. Updates and logging in are fine, but not the error as stated on the topic. So, what are my options right now?