I'm wanting to make a human, pure monk. To that end, I've frustrated myself with an experiment here and there. Please, no suggestions of dex-based halfling monks or WF monks, those, I realize are terrific options but I'm working on a specific idea. It's a tribute build of sorts, so the two unchangeables here are Human and pure monk.

So, I think Earth stance really rocks, I like DR, extra damage...nice. I also like fire, for extra ki, but see a place for the others as well. I asked some pnp guys who seem to relate that its difficult to translate their monks into the ddo game.

What are my goals? Good dps (unarmed), not a tragic decrease if I use kamas for w/e or vorpals. I'd like saves and ac to be decent.

I have great confusion on monks, as there are so many examples of how not to build/run one and then you're in a party with a great monk and you're like....hmm, THAT looks fun!

1. Finishing moves...I rolled a human monk for experimentation. Getting up to 35 ki the finishing moves icon didn't change (maybe I missed it if it flashes for like one second only) How much ki do you need and are they really useful?
2. Would 16-15-14-8-15-8 be a decent stat distribution?
3. I saw 72 ac as being the target ac for a monk. How is this usually being achieved?
4. Any issue not having CE on a monk?
5. The key feats for a handwraps user seem to be the entire twf chain, and ideally a toughness in there. This leaves several open feats which in feats I've seen be sued for dragonmarkage, for improved criticals, for up to 4 toughness fears, and even for UMD boosting. What are the best feats to go for after the twf line?
6. Is anyone at all soloing on a monk? If so what makes this a reasonable option for you?
7. Concentration/balance usually are the universal skills I see being used in most builds (note: there are considerably fewer builds of monks than amny other classes) with UMD being up there every now and then. How effective are we finding cross class UMD at current cap?

Thanks, I know I ask a lot but I'm really, really just beginning on a monk and I've gotten some good advice from a poster on here, and before I run up his build I just want to get more comfortable in the hows and whats. I capped a cleric, realized I would have been happier if I'd done stat distribution a little different, and not wasted time on a couple of feats. I capped a pure sorc, and while he's quite powerful, I wish I'd allocated starting stats differently, taken a different line on skills and knew the spells better before...just experienced the same thing with an intim tank. I know part of this is just bound to always happen from learning as you go and nothing being able to replicate actual, in-game experiences, but as my time to play will be decreased as soon as I pass these certification exams, I'm tying to really limit my growing pains. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and consideration. I know how I feel about a question or two, but I'm looking for input to soldify my beleif in that choice. Thanks again, all.