Wow.... that's two builds I've checked in a row that took power critical... give me a minute to collect my thoughts as that just blew my mind. While I'm collecting my thoughts, drop that horrid feat, please.
Ok now - there's two types of armor characters in DDO... those that wear shields and those that are monk splashes. This build is neither, so your AC will never be worth mentioning.
On a two weapon fighter cleave will slow your DPS down. I'd advise against taking it.
Stunning blow isn't going to work nearly as well as you probably believe. I have it on my two weapon fighter barbarian/fighter. My strength gets up to 44 (27 DC), and it works all of about 25% of the time. With your current layout you're looking at about a 26 DC unless you use weighted weapons (which will decrease your DPS considerably).
In the words of Bobby Bouchet's mom... odd stats are THE DEVIL! Either go 8 wisdom or 10 wisdom. Personally, I'd change that to 16 con, 14 dex, 10 wisdom, but the odd con (still an even buy) is acceptable (though not recomended).
Great cleave is on about the same level as power critical.... face palm worthy. Drop it at the next stop.
For the character you have built your enhancements aren't horrible, but that's way too many points to spend on one feat when that wasn't even one of your build foundations. Drop the tactics enhancements and pick up things that help with the build you said you wanted (favored enemy damage, fighter dwarven axe specialization, etc).
Or, you could just use this build I designed (with intellectual rights belonging to EinarMal) for my wife. It does exactly what you said you wanted minus the fighter and paladin levels. In fact, it even does quite a bit more.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.00
DDO Character Planner Home Page
Level 16 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(1 Monk \ 1 Rogue \ 14 Ranger)
Hit Points: 284
Spell Points: 234
BAB: 14\14\19\24
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 17
Will: 9
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16)
Strength 16 22
Dexterity 14 18
Constitution 16 20
Intelligence 12 14
Wisdom 14 16
Charisma 6 8
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 16
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 16
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 16
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 16
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 16
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 16)
Balance 6 12
Bluff -2 -1
Concentration 3 5
Diplomacy -2 -1
Disable Device 6 22
Haggle 2 3
Heal 2 3
Hide 2 4
Intimidate 2 18
Jump 7 11
Listen 2 3
Move Silently 2 4
Open Lock 6 14
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 2 2
Search 6 24
Spot 2 3
Swim 3 6
Tumble 6 8
Use Magic Device 2 18
Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Haggle (+4)
Skill: Intimidate (+4)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Dodge
Level 2 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead
Level 3 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Mobility
Level 4 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 5 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 6 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant
Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
Level 7 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 8 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 9 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Level 10 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 11 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
Level 12 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 13 (Monk)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+0.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Combat Expertise
Level 14 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1.5)
Level 15 (Ranger)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Search (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 16 (Ranger)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Intimidate (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Ranger Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Ranger Skill Boost II
Enhancement: Ranger Skill Boost III
Enhancement: Ranger Skill Boost IV
Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I
Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage II
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage III
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage IV
Enhancement: Ranger Tempest I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device I
Enhancement: Ranger Search I
Enhancement: Ranger Energy of the Wild I
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I
Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity II
If you can't get a +2 int tome you can either forego the open lock skill or you can start with a 14 con (or start with 13 int and 15 con and use two +1 tomes; though again I hate odd stats). If you have any possible way to get the int tome, though, I'd really suggest it. This is definitely a character you can enjoy playing for a long time, so it's well worth the expenditure.