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  1. #1
    Relic of the Last War
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    Exclamation Thriller!!! More MJ News!

    This just in:

    A cemetary has agreed to take the remains of Michael Jackson and bury them in an antiquities crypt as described in his will. The cemetary is located near the 90210 Beverly Hills area code and is the home to other deceased greats like Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe. Jackson's post-humous attorney was quoted saying, "It was the late Mr. Jackson's ardent wish to be buried here amongst other great performers."

    A legal aid, whom agreed speak on terms of anonymity said, "There was one quirk to the will in which Mr. Jackson did indeed wish to make it known as an offer of a final resting place beside [Michale Jackson] to McCully Culkin. The will's testament was followed, but as of yet there has been no response from Mr. Culkin."

    There's much buzz in hollywood as to which cemetary Michael Jackson's remains will be placed, as several cemetaries in the Beverly Hills district house comparable performers that fit Michael's will request for his last rights. A few outraged locals state they will have thier loved ones extracted and transferreed to a different cemetary if Michael Jackson's remains join the plots of land of their family's final resting place.

    Dr. William MacDougal, a Beverly Hills cemetary groundskeeper, was available for response to this severe reaction by several families. "They just don't want to be next to Mr. Jackson because of his past allegations," he said. "It's not like we know for a fact that Mr. Jackson really did those horrible things to children, but there are some very religious people that don't want thier family's final resting place next to him regardless that he was never found guilty of any crime. One thing is for sure about Michael Jackson's remains," said McDougal with a quip. "There will be a lot less children for him to play with in whichever cemetary accepts his remains."

    Associated Press, KEnt.

  2. #2
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