Simple concept...
I wanted a bard that can do everything:
CC, Maxed songs, Heal, Haggle, Buff and Melee.

Couldnt decide on spellsinger or warchater... so why not both

Human 20 Bard:

Str: 16 (26: +3 tome,+1 human +6item)
Dex: 8 (16: +2 tome, +6 item)
Con: 14 (22: +2 tome, +6 item)
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 18 (42: +5 level, +4 tome, +3 bard, +6 item, +3 exeptional, +1 human, +2 capstone)

1: Extend
H: Toughness
3: Power Attack
6: Enchantment Focus
9: Empower Healing
12: Weapon focus Slashing
15: Spell Penetration
18: Heighten

Maxed attack/Damage songs
Spell pen
Song magic
Spell Singer/Warchanter

The Idea of this build is to go Spellsinger first to fill a healing/CC role for low level content, and use mastertouch to wield greataxes with powerattack. Eventually switch out to warchater at high levels when i aquire shroud sp/cha items and confident i will still have enough sp to heal effectivly.