Well, this is gonna be my 2 bits worth on ranged combat being gimped. That's all i've heard and seen in the forums on how ranged combat is gimped. Yes, it is true that some of your highest DPS damage is from a caster laying down a empowered/maximized firewall or some other similar spell. A pure 16th lvl fighter or barbarian, if spec'd right, can deal out massive damage. I look at it like this, D. P. S....."Damage Per Swing". What will ultimately cause more damage with one shot, a critical blow from a 2-hander slashing weapon (ex, greatsword, greataxe), or a critical shot from a Long Bow or Cross-bow? I vote the 2-hander slasher. It's not that ranged combat is inherently gimped, it in all reality just does not do as much damage as a melee spec'd Fighter or Barbarian. If you get the right set-up, the right weapons for certain situations, a "ranged" combatant could be invaluble and even deadly. A player just has to know what weapon to use, what tactics to use in any given situation. My 16th lvl Ranger/Fighter is completely ranged except for duel wielding vorpals and muckbanes for slimes and such. Other than that, she does nothing but ranged combat. I find with what light repeaters she runs with, she does decent enough DPS for my liking, plus she also has Evasion, which most of your "DPS" Fighters DO NOT have. She can cast buffs, heal herself and other party members in a pinch. She can scout/sneak with the best Barbarians and Rogues. So as for ranged combat itself, you just have to know how to play your class with what strengths and weaknesses you might have. The way i see it, if EVERY single class could do the same DPS as all the other classes...that would be just simply boring! Every class has its strengths and weaknesses, so just deal with it!!!