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  1. #1
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    Default 13/6/1 but what race and str or dex?

    So ive decided that when I finally get to 32 point build that my first build is going to be a 13rogue/6ranger/1monk because the build honestly just looks amazing. I have never played a rogue more then 1 level and rarely make it to endgame content. My highest character is a lvl 12 bard so im getting close to being able to nock out all those favor quests(still only sitting at like 8-900 i think, i know, im slow).

    I know the general concensus will probly be that haflings are the best thanks to the dex boost/extra flanking dmg and attack/ extra 1 ac for size.

    I personally prefer strength builds most the time...

    How good would this build be if i went the str route and if i want to go str build while keeping a pretty high dex for ac what race/stats would you suggest? I love playing characters with khopesh's because i love seeing the big crits so should i take human? Are khopesh's a good choice for this build or is it just smarter to just skip it since i should be going for the crit chance of rapier/scimitar for full effect from the crippling strike?

    I assume hafling is the obvious choice for the dex build with something like 12 19 14 12 12 8. however what would the best choice for a more str based character be or would hafling still be the best?

    I suspect maybe warforged since if its str based it could take more use from power attack and extra hp from WF? I could also see dwarf if the armor mastery boost for extra ac + dwarf hp.

    So whats your oppinion on the best race/stats for this build?

  2. #2
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Going STR really cuts into the AC potential, comparatively, of the DEX-based 13/6/1.

    While the STR version of this build idea is not that Über, it is still a very good level split for a "Though Rogue".

    The key question before i can give further build advice is:
    As you already want to go STR, do you want to complete the step and go Full DPS build, or do you still want to aim for a somewhat lower, but still working AC on your Rogue?
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  3. #3
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    I have a lvl9 str build halfling who is a blast. On that toon I went fighter over monk. I'll lose 3-4 points of ac when he shifts to robes but he is still a blast very survivable and great dps when your tanks can hold aggro.

    Now I rolled his ac bretheren 15str 16dex 14con 12 int 11 wis 8 cha. The reason is +1s are cheap and easy and with +4 tomes coming up it can even the build up. The dex con and int scores have +2s. This build is at lvl4 currently and cruising just as well. But it depends on your playstyle. If you consistently like to move flank and stay in the fight they work very well. With stat dmg becoming less effective in the new mod str based rogues should shine. I personally have listened to impaqt on that and have found the two builds I am working to be two of the most fun I have. I think you love them. But you will have pretty good ac not insanly good ac.
    I think it depends on what you like and how you play.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  4. #4
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    I have been debating the very same questions. Here are the merits that I have figured out for each variation if have looked at.

    If going dex based for AC Halfling is number one. Mainly because you get the guile bonuses for sneak attack which is where most of your damage is going to come from and an extra +1 AC from size. But also the synergy of halfling dex etc. Elf and drow also make very good AC builds. You will loose one AC from size but gain +3 damage when not using sneak attack. The +3 from no -2 str at start and both have a favored weapon that is finessable so you get the racial enhancements.

    For str based you can really go with just about any race. That being said, elf, halfling and drow can still get respectable AC even when str based. Your going to start with a high dex and get a +2 racial. So you will be roughly 4-5 points of dex behind the dex builds. This is going to mean 2-3 AC differance depending on gear make up. You will also have a higher DPS going str based.

    For other races Human and dwarf are about equal. With human you could fit in kopesh for more damage for dwarf you get more con and dwarven axes for good base damage(best for construct/undead killing of all the races). Dwarves also get the spell defense which is a huge +5 against spells. Makes any evasion for spells incredible.

    The best dps all around (both with and without sneak attack) is going to be a str based halfling. Your only going to loose about +3 damage all the time but gain I believe +8 when sneak attacking. And once you have a radiance rapier/scimitar you a killing machine.

    Now one other option mentioned is not going with monk. If you are not going for AC then go str based and you don't really care about the 3-4 ac from wisdom so you could take another class. Fighter was already mentioned but one that is over looked is barbarian. You get a short rage buff for bosses and extra speed that will stack with acrobat speed for a total of 20% on top of haste/striding.
    Last edited by D'rin; 06-25-2009 at 03:41 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Yea I found Impact's Leesa3.0 build and looked over it again and since it was a drow I went ahead and built it and got it to about lvl 2 last night. I think Impact's builds are commonly very bad ass and well thought out builds and I think seeing his build and Westside a couple weeks ago is what got me thinking so much about this level split. I think Impact's build has the balance of pretty good ac while getting str up enough to still be a str build, and in response to Noctus asking if I would want to go full DPS build I think I would prefer a balance because generally for "full dps" you need to max out str and I rarely think spending 6 starting points on a character stat is worth it especially on a build like this that gets so much from every stat.

    My biggest problem with Impact's build though is that as awesomely balanced as it appears it doesn't feel like it will have enough HP's since it is drow with only the 12 starting con. 7hp every rogue lvl seems like a low starting point for a strong melee character even if it has very high ac.

    I think this concern is my main reason why I would choose to go the ~12 18 14 12 12 8 hafling(I hate weapon finesse though, and i know its only 20hp but an extra 2 ac? as well). That or maybe a dwarf/WF with something like 16 14 16 12 12 6 for the big hp boost but my problem with that is i would be losing out on a good ~3-4ac? compared to Impact's and ~10ac? less then the hafling and i might have trouble getting GTWF/STWF.

    A big question I have is how much of my dps is going to be coming from the sneak attacks when str based compared to dex based.

    (this is why i both hate and love this game, no decision is ever wrong or bad just different, I just want the best possible character ever, give me a god class please)

  6. #6
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple_paladin View Post
    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Yea I found Impact's Leesa3.0 build and looked over it again and since it was a drow I went ahead and built it and got it to about lvl 2 last night. I think Impact's builds are commonly very bad ass and well thought out builds and I think seeing his build and Westside a couple weeks ago is what got me thinking so much about this level split. I think Impact's build has the balance of pretty good ac while getting str up enough to still be a str build, and in response to Noctus asking if I would want to go full DPS build I think I would prefer a balance because generally for "full dps" you need to max out str and I rarely think spending 6 starting points on a character stat is worth it especially on a build like this that gets so much from every stat.

    My biggest problem with Impact's build though is that as awesomely balanced as it appears it doesn't feel like it will have enough HP's since it is drow with only the 12 starting con. 7hp every rogue lvl seems like a low starting point for a strong melee character even if it has very high ac.

    I think this concern is my main reason why I would choose to go the ~12 18 14 12 12 8 hafling(I hate weapon finesse though, and i know its only 20hp but an extra 2 ac? as well). That or maybe a dwarf/WF with something like 16 14 16 12 12 6 for the big hp boost but my problem with that is i would be losing out on a good ~3-4ac? compared to Impact's and ~10ac? less then the hafling and i might have trouble getting GTWF/STWF.

    A big question I have is how much of my dps is going to be coming from the sneak attacks when str based compared to dex based.

    (this is why i both hate and love this game, no decision is ever wrong or bad just different, I just want the best possible character ever, give me a god class please)
    You could just slap a +2 con tome and that will help. The stats in my above post have worked out well for a halfling so far for me. So you might like that route. But Impaqt still knows his rogues much better than a mere pedwan such as myself. I did take toughness because Im not dex based. So currently at lvl 9 with gear he is at 186 hp and av ac in the low 40s self buffed. I havent sliped robes on yet due to the lack of armored bracers. But I have no question that any of imps builds will work out fine. Its all up to your playstyle.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  7. #7
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple_paladin View Post
    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    A big question I have is how much of my dps is going to be coming from the sneak attacks when str based compared to dex based.
    It's pretty significant, actually. I play a dex based rogue even though the DPS is lower compared to strength based. Being dex based offers some advantages outside of DPS but if you're just talking about damage, a strength based, assassin PrE rogue is the highest damage in the game.

    Using Dresek as an example, I have 34 dex. Now, I made some poor choices during character creation that I regret (I took 20 dex...ouch...waste of ability points) but let's assume that you could get your strength up to 30 pretty easily. Something like this:

    16 base
    5 level ups
    2 tome
    6 item
    2 exceptional (shroud item)
    31 strength.

    Dresek has 18 strength (10 base + 2 tome + 6 item). That's a difference of 12 points for a damage difference of 6 per hit. That alone is a pretty big damage advantage. However, when you add in the crit damage from, say, dual khopeshes, it's a massive damage increase...with zero sacrifice in SA damage.

    Additionally, your damage against SA-immune mobs (undead, elementals, constructs) will be far better than a dex-based rogue.

    Sure, you'll give up some survivability and AC but from a damage standpoint, strength-based rogues are top of the heap.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

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