So ive decided that when I finally get to 32 point build that my first build is going to be a 13rogue/6ranger/1monk because the build honestly just looks amazing. I have never played a rogue more then 1 level and rarely make it to endgame content. My highest character is a lvl 12 bard so im getting close to being able to nock out all those favor quests(still only sitting at like 8-900 i think, i know, im slow).
I know the general concensus will probly be that haflings are the best thanks to the dex boost/extra flanking dmg and attack/ extra 1 ac for size.
I personally prefer strength builds most the time...
How good would this build be if i went the str route and if i want to go str build while keeping a pretty high dex for ac what race/stats would you suggest? I love playing characters with khopesh's because i love seeing the big crits so should i take human? Are khopesh's a good choice for this build or is it just smarter to just skip it since i should be going for the crit chance of rapier/scimitar for full effect from the crippling strike?
I assume hafling is the obvious choice for the dex build with something like 12 19 14 12 12 8. however what would the best choice for a more str based character be or would hafling still be the best?
I suspect maybe warforged since if its str based it could take more use from power attack and extra hp from WF? I could also see dwarf if the armor mastery boost for extra ac + dwarf hp.
So whats your oppinion on the best race/stats for this build?