+1 Seeker (+6) Longbow of Greater Construct Bane rr elf/drow umd 20 lvl 10
+1 Seeker (+4) Longsword of Greater Construct Bane lvl 10
+1 Curspewing Heavy Pick of Construct Bane lvl 19
+1 Flaming Burst Light Pick of Greater Construct Bane lvl 10
+3 Seeker (+2) Sickle of Greater Construct Bane lvl 12

Anarchic or Holy Quarterstaff of Greater Construct Bane (no rr or rr WF)

If you have the above staff and it is a "Burst", I will throw in an Andoryn's Malice : +2 Adamantine Light Mace of Greater Construct Bane lvl 8