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Thread: 28 Point Heroes

  1. #1
    Community Member Zanthos's Avatar
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    Default 28 Point Heroes

    In pre-release I built my first Wizard. He and I went on many adventures together and created memories that will last a lifetime. Well, maybe not a life time but I will always remember the time when I got hit by a minotaur in Gwylan’s Stand. I had just started casting fireball when he hit me. I went flying and spun in a complete circle on my back. I quickly looked to my combat die and saw that I had succeeded on my concentration check. My wizard stood back up and blasted the minotaur. I was so pumped! I was ready to take on the whole world.

    This is just one example of the fun I had with my original 28 point build and a reason that I will never delete him.

    I want to hear from those diehard 28 point Heroes that are still running around Stormreach kickin butt and tankin XP.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    My 28-pt barb managed to stay alive for about 20 minutes in the Abbot the other night, drinkin pots like a fiend and swinging the greataxe in between chugs. The **** phase wraiths were on him the entire time, so I couldn't stop moving unless I found an encasement to run on.

    That little bugger is ridiculously survivable.

  3. #3
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    My 28-pt Barbarian (Belwaar) tanks just about anything...

    My 28-pt Cleric (Alexondrya) usually main heals every raid I'm in...

    My 28-pt Ranger (Kelindros) is just mean

    Nothing wrong with a 28-pt build
    S E N T I N E L S
    **Belwaar** | Waarfists | *Waartitan* | Waarmage | *Waarsavant* | *Waarchanter* | Waarknuckle | Waarforged | Waarfavored | *Torgaar* | *Waarmedic* | Neissa | Khurg | Jaxsen | *Kelindros*

  4. #4
    Community Member Redgar's Avatar
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    Trodore was my first sucessful 28 point build. I failed a cleric, rouge and wizard. Then rolled the fighter. I was stunned at how well he did. Everyone called me a killing machine. I was alway to top killer and held agro pretty well. Of course his build worked well for a lvl 10 capped toon and was still working for lvl 12 cap. However now at 16 I feel he is gimped as a 28 point build and want to reroll him, but I am being told that if I did that people would find me and hurt me. I am doing all I can to make him a better fighter now ;P
    Once you go Dwarf you will never go back

  5. #5
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Still an active toon...

    Anarkius - my first attempt at character creation, my first toon and my main on Ghallanda still - even after server hopping for a year I have come back to him. He is a blast to play, I just wish i could respec him to meet more high end content needs. Goes back to the ole aadage of if I only new then what I know now.

    Theologius - After my first full year I jumped over to Khyber and started playing over there. A fairly decent battle cleric (cleric / paladin mix). Pretty much a paladin that can rez. Again not a well planned out toon, but fun just to play - I remembert he first time I solo-ed Kobold Assualt on elite with him - it was a blast.

    I have several other toons that are 28 point builds across all the current servers, the only one I am running 32 point builds on is ghallanda. I just recently acquired the favor to run 32 after over 2 years of playing so I have learned to make the most of a 'gimped' toon. I think a solid 28 point buid can do just about anything a 32 point build can.
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

  6. #6
    Community Member 96th_Malice's Avatar
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    Danicca was my first 28 point build was a 16th lvl cleric !!


    The inevitable happened and she became an "archer" re-roll about 2 months ago

    Danya was my second 28 point build toon


    But she’s packing up & getting ready to move to another server to open 32 point builds there for me !!

    Damiya was my 3rd 28pnt build toon ( 16th lvl Ranger )

    AWESOME !!

    She's still my main toon, and even though she's got a lot of 32 point toons below her whos Green steel Bows may be better. Overall she is my best toon as far as stats go. I guess it’s all the goodies that DDO / Turbine have given us over the last 3 years !!

  7. #7

    Default Reycervantes

    This is my only capped character (a 28pt Rog14/Ftr2) and I've been playing him since launch. Currently leveling up two 32pt builds and thinking on rolling a Favored Soul, but Rey will always be Rey.

    Reycervantes, Avoro and Rodneys of Maelstrom Tharashk Guild, Thelanis

  8. #8
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Rosewood is my only 28 point character left... I never get any complaints nor have I any issues with her.

    She is my second character ... Emili then Rose, Emili was rerolled a few times as fighter party roles changed or grew boring... and with 32 points made her more flexible so did not have to grind her out again and again... However Rosewood always seemed to have that versitility in her - even though far from a solid bard. With the introduction of Drow I felt kind on behind the curve and even slighted... Ami (Amilia) was built the day Drow were released and a few days later I had created "Ebony Fretboard" (a drow version of Rosewood) ... Took Ebony to level 9 and while her stats and potential were better then Rose I deleted Ebony because to me nothing could replace Rosewood in the fun on the keyboard I have behind her... Maybe I am superstitious or sentimental but some guitarist prefer maple fretboards, others ebony and many like myself prefer the feel of Rosewood.

    Last edited by Emili; 06-24-2009 at 12:36 PM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  9. #9
    Community Member VKhaun's Avatar
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    Is my first Drow okay?

    I got 400favor learning the basics on a fighter, and started a drow wizard with 16str, 8con, and power attack... I forget what I was actually doing, but I wanted to test something at lv2 and just made her to do Korthos quickly. I only had 20cha because I still thought casting stats helped spell damage. I intended to use melee and spells to blast through, but I ran out of power so fast, and melee worked so well on korthos, I said screw it and just started buffing myself up. Picked all buff spells at lv2, bought a few scrolls to scribe in the Rusty Nail.

    I was a BEAST. It took half my power to fully extended buff myself at lv3, and then I drank a pot of some kind for more AC (but never barkskin, it's ugly.). She did WW hard with a group at lv4 using a great sword from the AH, with an unusual and intricate spiky graphic (Shroud?) that was about as big as she is, and slaughtered hard mode. Took all the kills, never stopped moving, hit like a truck.

    Ran up to the first named ogre in pt4, niac's, someone else shot him with MM, someone else fired an arrow, WHAM critical hit from my sword and he never took a swing. The actual tanks just standing over his corpse confused and considering a reroll haha.

    I kept going until lv8 or so, and then finally put on a superior potency weapon someone gave me and started throwing out firewalls. Now she's lv16. Swapped out power attack. Very normal caster. I may never shroud on an 8con wizard, but I got my 32pt builds opened with her and now I can farm the Orchard for cash very, very easily. Every now and then a zombie or something has the audacity to survive a disintegrate with 5% hp or so, and I get to go beat him up.

    Veekz on Thelanis.
    Last edited by VKhaun; 06-24-2009 at 12:25 PM.

  10. #10
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Saaluta's Avatar
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    Saaluta 28 point cleric

    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  11. #11
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Default here to stay

    Just like my forum name my 28 pointer and first build is Kalari the elven wizard. Sure to some she may seem gimpy but ive run with the big dogs and held my own. Originally I used great crossbows on her for when she ran out of mana now she just casts like a mad woman. Id never re roll or delete her in fact out of all my builds now she will remain till the day I stop playing all together.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  12. #12
    Founder Grimborn's Avatar
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    Gum Shoe is my Rogue that I still play today. I had to adjust him along the way to 16th lvl. And I would say he is very effective today as he was way back when.
    Gum Shoe~Drow Elf Rogue Hackin Slash~Human Fighter
    Timkin~Drow Elf Sorc Aarone Stone~Human Bard
    Tarnaa~Human Favored Soul Alcaden~Human Paladin
    Tipsee McStagger~Halfling Rogue Grimborn~Gnome PaleMaster Wizard

  13. #13


    I'm not on Khyber but...

    I still have a good number of 28pt builds (excluding drow)

    Sigfried is my nearly original character (1 re-roll very early on and many feat re-specs)
    7 Cleric / 7 Fighter / 2 Ranger 7/7/6 at cap
    He's been a reliable build. He tends not to be so great on Elite quests above or at his level, but he gets by and makes himself useful with a mix of healing and DPS.

    Gabriazar is my 28pt haggle bard
    13 bard / 1 fighter / 1 sorcerer (who knows at cap...)
    He's not a great build but generally he doesn't need to be as bards pretty much rock no matter how they are built.

    Avenos is my DPS rogue
    2 Barbarian / 2 Ranger / 10 Rogue
    He switched from two handed to TWF early on and for a character that was somewhat ill conceived he is something of a death machine, if a fragile one.

    I play them all a fair bit more than my 32 point characters although the 32 pointers both have better stats and benefit from what I've learned about the game. I've found there aren't many build problems that a respec of feats and enhancements can't fix.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  14. #14
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    Raika - She is my only 28pts left, but still my main and favorite character. I still remember running co6 at level6 with a lvl10 in the group, the mighty wizard Quicktoezy of the stormreach.

    I remember the first time I joined a guild Tempest Spine run, and before we had to start, someone needed a few xp to level up, he was in an unknown area for me, Threnal, I wanted to join them and went to the area they indicated me, and when I went in, and started to move away, i saw that giant coming straight at me, I immediately fled for my life and talked to the guy to come back to Stormreach.

    I remember the first time in the giant caves, still at lvl6, right after I joined Onslaught, Cyre came to help out and he charmed the Fire Giant Champion, I was impressed he did that so easily. I remember I tanked Velah with the hero method or in the first times of the reaver, I was able to make it up to the res lever and saved the entire party.

    All my other characters had been rerolled when I got 1750 favor, but I will never reroll Raika.
    Last edited by Hakushi; 06-24-2009 at 06:46 PM.
    Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
    Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
    Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
    Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
    Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
    Retired Crew: Zazumi

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