Anyone got any nice Khopeshes around lvl 8-12 for sale? I will pay cash since it seems like a lot of people are trying to build it up lately.
Some examples are:
Holy/Burst Khopesh of Pure Good/Maiming
+1 Vorpal Khopesh lvl 8/10 or ANY bladed type
Flaming/Icy/Acid/Burst Khopesh of Pure Good/Maiming
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Khopesh
+1 Khopesh of Disruption lvl 8/10 or any blade/blunt/piercing type
Also looking for:
Boots of the Innocent
Planar Girds
Cloak of Ice
+6 Con/Str/Cha/Wis Rings lvl 11-15
Any RR will be considered
Will be playing Arrma or Duskin mainly but also the toons in my sig