scales aquired
scales aquired
Last edited by Thucydides04; 06-23-2009 at 08:47 PM. Reason: changed price
that is nothing scales sell for 500k plat not 200k
Ord-1-Bbn Weejas-Sorc Docrock-Clr Ironfistt-Monk
-Member of Shriners Anonymous
~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.
thats not to badd of a price gets yu more then AH gives back lol if i pull an extra later will pm ya could always use gold i guess, good luck
Ord-1-Bbn Weejas-Sorc Docrock-Clr Ironfistt-Monk
-Member of Shriners Anonymous