Hello and thanks for the reply. I had a more detailed introduction to myself, but when I went to submit the post
it had logged me out and I lost all the information along with it.
I am a shift worker so I do not have any set in concrete times that I work, so my play times can vary from week
to week. I'm new to the game itself, bar what i've played on the closed beta (which is the reason how I got hooked
on the game). I've played the paper based version, so not new in terms of knowing DnD.
I would plan to run dungeons with guildies, as I perfer the whole group feel, than playing this game solo. This is a MMO after all and leveling a bard solo would be difficult. Once the F2P model goes live, I will also have my partner playing, so the guild would need to be able to accept F2P players into the guild because she would be one.
The other note would be that I fancy roleplaying as well, so I would not rule that out either. Anyway, I hope I have answered most questions that anyone may ask. Looking to see everyone in game and enjoy the spirit of the game. Cheers