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  1. #21
    Community Member rykim's Avatar
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    Default Resources

    It's all about resources when playing a cleric and sometimes a bard. Personally, at lower levels, I always keep enough wands on me to get thru a couple of difficult quests (before I have to restock). If I ever had to go thru a crapload of resources for a pug group and didn't get any kind of reimbursement for the wands/resources I used, automatic addition to the friends list. If they're that clueless as to not know how gimped their toons are, there's no reason to run with them in the future.

    Same thing with running a cleric at higher levels.. (insert scrolls for wands)...

    If I suck down 6-8 pots for a pug shroud because it takes them 5 to 6 rounds to get the pit fiend down and no one even offers a pot... that's the last time they'll be seeing my cleric.

    Pick your fights/pugs wisely...
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  2. #22
    Community Member mystoryflavor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    BTW, anyone seen a mage/sorc with Repair in memory lately?
    actually yes
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  3. #23
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default Both my arcanes have reconstruct

    But I agree, if I run with a pug group and use a ton of resources and get a thanks for keeping us alive and cya later, ding, well, they get added to that grand list of 'do not ever, ever, EVER pug with that ahhhh, individual again' and I move on....on the flip side, I donate to clerics in pugs that I run, but have run into clerics lately that demand donations or resources, before the quest, then never use any of it and don't return it cuts both ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  4. #24
    Community Member Hailplague's Avatar
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    Default Newbie on Thelanis

    Having just arrived from EU server a week ago, did my first shroud a couple of days ago. As we are a group of six friends that came over and guilded, we started our shroud and had to pug the rest.
    This intro just to explain the following: after part2 (which was a bit hectic) the guild cleric mentioned in guild chat that all the wf in said party (except for 1 guildy) didn't even have healer's friendly. While i don't know if this is the rule here on thelanis, fact remains that he had to ask the wf sorc in guild chat to help in part 4 and 5 because there were a couple that would surely die if not... to make it all even more interesting, one of the clerics died leaving our poor cleric to keep party alive in part 4 at end of round1. Luckily it took "only" 3 rounds. He had to use 6 majors (or 8 cant rc exactly). No one offered or even asked about resources. Having just arrived at US servers, you can all imagine his resources aren't high, either.
    My point is: give resources to clerics before quests start (mainly raids or difficult quests) and you might survive if things go sour, ask at end if they were enough or just plain contribute to replace used resources, and above all, do not think to get them back... even if they weren't used that time, they will be used at a later time. Not on who gave the scrolls/wands/pots? So what? How many times did a cleric heal form their own resources? Think of it as your payment to the Healers Fund and an added probability of that cleric wanting to join you in future groups!!

    P.S.: So far I am pleased with what I have seen on this server (overall ) and hope to be here for a long time

  5. #25
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    BTW, anyone seen a mage/sorc with Repair in memory lately?
    My human sorc always carries a couple stacks of heal and reconstruct scrolls that I use when needed.

    To the op get used to being able to identify costly endeavors as a cleric. Vastly underpowered groups have a way of getting together, roping some youngblood healer in thier group and insist on doing it on elite. You learn to identify and pass on the groups that are best for a laugh or forum post and you'll save yourself headaches and plat as a lowbie and in raids.
    Git off mah lawn!

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  6. #26
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    I think I would have gotten a neutrailze poison wand and used it on him when he needed a heal... that should have gotten an interesting reaction
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  7. #27
    Community Member LewsTherin's Avatar
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    This thread needs to be renamed, Hjeal me! Hjeal me! Hjeal me!
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  8. #28
    Community Member EddieB_TBC's Avatar
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    heh, or an aid wand... "it's hit points, right? oh ok hang on... I'll go turn in some collectibles to the guy outside the dingy and see if I can get a wand from him. brb."


  9. #29
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    BTW, anyone seen a mage/sorc with Repair in memory lately?
    I am leveling a ranger/cleric/sorc multiclass. Going to be a tempest cleric. I took sorc for two reasons. First for additional spell points and second to be able to effectivly heal all party members with cure or repair wands. I am at level 9 right now and only have one level of cleric and sorc.

    So I have been in the position quite a few times as primary healer in PUG groups. Do a good job keeping everyone up. I get tipped a lot by fleshies but have yet to by our warforged brothers and sisters. Even the mana sponge WF barb that I use a whole repair serious on seems to not care.

    Stop healing....not me.

    My plat level is bad but my karma is good.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  10. #30
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    You should definitely have answered yes and then started spamming neutralize poison wands on the group....
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  11. #31
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    As another player coming over from the European servers I've been really pleased with the way alot of Thelanis' players help out with clericing costs. So cheers and keep it up

  12. #32
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hailplague View Post
    Having just arrived from EU server a week ago, did my first shroud a couple of days ago. As we are a group of six friends that came over and guilded, we started our shroud and had to pug the rest.
    This intro just to explain the following: after part2 (which was a bit hectic) the guild cleric mentioned in guild chat that all the wf in said party (except for 1 guildy) didn't even have healer's friendly. While i don't know if this is the rule here on thelanis, fact remains that he had to ask the wf sorc in guild chat to help in part 4 and 5 because there were a couple that would surely die if not... to make it all even more interesting, one of the clerics died leaving our poor cleric to keep party alive in part 4 at end of round1. Luckily it took "only" 3 rounds. He had to use 6 majors (or 8 cant rc exactly). No one offered or even asked about resources. Having just arrived at US servers, you can all imagine his resources aren't high, either.
    My point is: give resources to clerics before quests start (mainly raids or difficult quests) and you might survive if things go sour, ask at end if they were enough or just plain contribute to replace used resources, and above all, do not think to get them back... even if they weren't used that time, they will be used at a later time. Not on who gave the scrolls/wands/pots? So what? How many times did a cleric heal form their own resources? Think of it as your payment to the Healers Fund and an added probability of that cleric wanting to join you in future groups!!

    P.S.: So far I am pleased with what I have seen on this server (overall ) and hope to be here for a long time
    From my experience, even pugs in the Shroud tend to perform much better than this normally, but you will occasionally get a bad one. As for WF, I don't really care if they have Healer's Friend or not these days. A few spot heals are usually all it takes to make up the difference, and in most cases, a caster(Many of them are WF these days) will help out with them. Also, unless we are running something like Shroud Elite, I never give a cleric resources up front, nor do I accept them on my cleric. If we wind up using them for whatever reason, then I'll gladly chip in to offset the cost incurred, be it wands, scrolls, or even major pots. If you expect the cleric to have to burn an unusual amount of resources while running a quest on normal, then that should be a clear warning signal that something is wrong. Stick around for a bit and you'll have some much better experiences. In a Normal Shroud, I've only seen two instances where someone used pots in recent memory. The first was when the lag was so bad that it was the only way we had a chance of finishing, since the clerics were losing a lot of SP on spells that never went off. The second was an odd cleric that didn't seem to know that the pools would give spell points back, even though we pointed it out halfway through part five when we noticed he wasn't getting any SP back.

    On a related note, Scars ran a Shroud pug Tuesday night. Even though he ran it just like his normal pugs, we somehow ended up with a fairly amazing party. We finished in 32 minutes and finished part 4 in one round. In part 1, the portals were going down so fast that I slipped off a ledge while running to the second portal, and it was down before I could get back up. There were many comments about how it was one of the smoothest Shrouds many people had seen.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
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  13. #33
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    all my wizards carry repair and reconstruct in spell and scroll form and out of the 5 only ones a forge. Most on Thelanis and Sarlona know that my girls are force/repair specced and will make sure forges are healed during combat.

    That being said Op I know your pain my worst experience with my cleric Kamari and one of the main reasons I do not pug much with her at all. Is during a Normal Madstone run. Not only did they give her tons of money up front (which should have thrown me off thought they were just being generous). But that group took the most damage I had ever seen in my entire life. Zerging dying and 3 hrs later my fragile patience had been worn to the bone.

    So yeah I can definitely see why they asked you about the wands, some people know they cannot take damage and wont re roll so they know that you just may run out of sp and supplies if your one of those clerics who cares about keeping the party alive.

    one thing I got from that awful run is that I cannot be a super cleric not in my nature and that I will never go on a 3hr run of any quest again period.
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  14. #34
    Community Member Hailplague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    From my experience, even pugs in the Shroud tend to perform much better than this normally, but you will occasionally get a bad one. As for WF, I don't really care if they have Healer's Friend or not these days. A few spot heals are usually all it takes to make up the difference, and in most cases, a caster(Many of them are WF these days) will help out with them. Also, unless we are running something like Shroud Elite, I never give a cleric resources up front, nor do I accept them on my cleric. If we wind up using them for whatever reason, then I'll gladly chip in to offset the cost incurred, be it wands, scrolls, or even major pots. If you expect the cleric to have to burn an unusual amount of resources while running a quest on normal, then that should be a clear warning signal that something is wrong. Stick around for a bit and you'll have some much better experiences. In a Normal Shroud, I've only seen two instances where someone used pots in recent memory. The first was when the lag was so bad that it was the only way we had a chance of finishing, since the clerics were losing a lot of SP on spells that never went off. The second was an odd cleric that didn't seem to know that the pools would give spell points back, even though we pointed it out halfway through part five when we noticed he wasn't getting any SP back.

    On a related note, Scars ran a Shroud pug Tuesday night. Even though he ran it just like his normal pugs, we somehow ended up with a fairly amazing party. We finished in 32 minutes and finished part 4 in one round. In part 1, the portals were going down so fast that I slipped off a ledge while running to the second portal, and it was down before I could get back up. There were many comments about how it was one of the smoothest Shrouds many people had seen.
    I admit to an anormal amount of things that went wrong in that pug. But still think that if those wf had healer friendly it would be better for every party they run. Imagine that there weren't any casters or even that a caster in group died or didn't have repair/recon. Imho, you should plan your toon in ways that will be an asset to a group and not end up by being a burden. 3 AP... and it helps tremendously... or just buy your pots/scrolls and don't complain if heals don't arrive in good quantity.

    Not saying you should give resources every time, ofc. But there are situations when it's nice to give up front. And funny enough, i believe that at lowby stage it is sometimes more important: mana is never enough
    At higher lvl it's easier to count the cost at end as everybody has had the time to stock up. Besides, how many pugs have you all been in that even before the "Finished" button seemed to come up they were already saying goodbye!! And this usually happens with those that actually made clerics spend the most resources... and this, I bet, happens in all servers in EU and US!

    In all honesty: I used to care... now I don't. I choose if I want to play with those I have had bad experiences... which ends up by me playing almost only with guildies/friends. Or if I go pug then I won't be taking a cleric...

    As to zergers i say heal yourself. With my cleric I don't run after them when they all go their separate ways. If in range I heal if not... well come back to me

  15. #35
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    /agree with the op and many of the replies

    but next time do us a favor and get it right... it's


    nobody can type that well when running around screaming like a little girl.
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  16. #36
    Community Member Hailplague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    all my wizards carry repair and reconstruct in spell and scroll form and out of the 5 only ones a forge. Most on Thelanis and Sarlona know that my girls are force/repair specced and will make sure forges are healed during combat.

    That being said Op I know your pain my worst experience with my cleric Kamari and one of the main reasons I do not pug much with her at all. Is during a Normal Madstone run. Not only did they give her tons of money up front (which should have thrown me off thought they were just being generous). But that group took the most damage I had ever seen in my entire life. Zerging dying and 3 hrs later my fragile patience had been worn to the bone.

    So yeah I can definitely see why they asked you about the wands, some people know they cannot take damage and wont re roll so they know that you just may run out of sp and supplies if your one of those clerics who cares about keeping the party alive.

    one thing I got from that awful run is that I cannot be a super cleric not in my nature and that I will never go on a 3hr run of any quest again period.
    The problem here is not a re roll, i think... it's who's playing... If someone is taking way too much damage then maybe he's doing something wrong... maybe just needs a heavy fort item (unless you have a very high AC in madstone those trolls/ogres hit hard as hell) or even aggro management (goes for all quests)...

  17. #37
    Community Member Kraak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DakFrost View Post
    Last night I clicked to join a party that was looking for a healer and received a tell back from the party leader asking if I had wands (Assuming healing wands). When I replied back and asked why, he told me that they only wanted to take a healer that had enough wands. (The best part was this was a Warforged Barb.)

    Really? Is this a normal request?

    In my opinion, if a party can not run a quest successfully without having to rely on constant wand healing then they are probably not capable enough to be running said quest.

    Maybe this is why so few people actually enjoy rolling up Clerics.

    **** - not another healing thread. Stop the madness. Just post in the nightmare called "And you wonder whay <complaint> Cleric's <complaint> <complaint>" Thread. Its over 2 years old and still has some gusto. Might as well pee all over that thread instead marking new territory.

    PS - no wrong intended to the OP. Just a visceral reaction to a "healing" thread.

  18. #38
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraak View Post
    **** - not another healing thread.
    Apparently not everyone has gotten the message just yet. I notice sometimes my kids pick something up on the 150th time I tell them. Maybe could work here??

  19. #39
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    /agree with the op and many of the replies

    but next time do us a favor and get it right... it's


    nobody can type that well when running around screaming like a little girl.

    I was wondering when someone was going to pull out the HJEAL!
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