So, I'm fairly new compared to all you wisened old DDO players who could probably run the shroud while doing your laundry and/or keeping the misses happy(By that I of course mean other household chores). I've been trying to think of an interesting build for when I finally grind out that favor and get my 32 point builds(Mmm... Stats) and I thought to myself 'Hey, I sure wish I could multiclass a pally and a barb, gosh darn those alignment restrictions, then I could roll a WF and have Bladesworn transformation on while I rage, have decent saves, and lay my hands upon myself!' I looked into my career builder and realized that instead of going Pally I could go Cleric and get BS transformation, have some nice self buffs, and do quite a bit of damage!

Now what I'm wondering is that would being a WF 10/6 Barb/Pally be completely pointless and should I go shoot myself for even thinking such a thing and/or go jump in a ditch to save our children etc. etc.

Not entirely sure if I'd go TWF or THF, just trying to be creative with a build and tread on the land of multiclassing. I appreciate the input.