Ty guys for coming at the last minute and getting this right.
Lag Report---ALOT
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
I just have 2 questions.
Is 6 minutes even possible?
Are there any speed records that will not be owed by Sarlona?
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
I think 6 minutes is possible but it would take a bit of luck and probably be hard to repeat.
Sure its possible, after all we had people with 28 pts builds on this run, GASP!!!! People without P/A dbl GASP! And a Necro Focused low SP CLeric, triple GASP!
ANd Dether only has ONE CHaracter.
Maybe we could charge PUGS 25 Mana pots to hang and raid with us for one day(Totally kidding on this/reference to another thread on the forums)
Last edited by moops; 06-18-2009 at 10:51 AM.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Props to you all for the shroud just not a fan of running vods or hounds on normal because it means less loot. In my opinion the only vod speed record should be an elite vod speed record.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
grats on a job well done!
"Why...so...seriousss!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot
NIce and now lets see you how fast you guys can do elite, although this is pretty impressive to me though.
Beware the Sleepeater
very nice all. If ya ever go for a elite speed run let me know....I'll bring my cleric if ya have a spot. I think it's pretty cool Sarlona is home to the spped runs so far. All owned by Caffiene...you guys play the game like a high school kid in the backseat of a car....LOL![]()
No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)
I ran with Caffiene on a speed shroud run last night. You guys are very enjoyable and efficient to play with. I really enjoy the pace of gameplay. Very positive experience!
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Am I reading the kills right? It looks like you completed with 43 kills. I've never seen the last wave of orthons appear at fewer than 48 (which would give you a final kill count of 55: 48 + 6 Orthons + Suulo) so I'm wondering if doing it fast reduces the spawn or something like that.
If going faster (I'm assuming you DPS'd suulo the entire time) means fewer spawns, then that may be the better way to run it!
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
grats on the run guys.
I notice bagel finished with all that spare mana at the end - he could have been helping hjeel!
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Very nice job guys![]()
::::Disgruntled Janitor of ID Unknown::::
Haha Now you can get 6 minutes providing you get rid of that rogue in your group named dethe![]()
Officer, The Army Of Darkness / Sarlona