Bah! You're such a pessimist sometimes. Of course, it can be done! You'll not find a soul that can legitimately say I have been anything but cordial in group over the last 3+ years, and although there are various opinions about my capabilities on Eriik, I don't think that anyone who remembers me would deny me from a party because I couldn't fill my role.
Anyway, the point is that there is nothing special about me. I get up in the morning, shower, go to work, go to the gym, come home and game with my family and friends. I get angry, and I get frustrated just like everyone else, but how we behave in those situations can be controlled. Admittedly, I do it better in game than on the forums or in RL. Still, the bottom line is that if I can do it when DDOing, most should be able to. It just maybe takes desire and commitment, but hey, most things worth doing or having take the same.
PS: There are so many things that people don't do that they could if they just decided to. The difference between outcomes is often just a matter of choice and the determination to follow the course.