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Okay, going to be rolling up the following.
Drow Sorceress
Beginning Stats (I have no Tomes/$$$/Items as I just resubbed after 2 yr hiatus and gave everything away at the time of leaving)
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 12
CHA 20
Concentration maxed
With others split between Haggle and UMD
Also a few in Diplomacy
First, I am certainly not a magic class expert. However, I want to play something FUN, but also not gimped or basically useless when grouping.
LVL 1 Combat Casting
LVL 3 Maximize Spell
LVL 6 Extend Spell
LVL 9 Heighten Spell
LVL 12 Spell Penetration
Lvl 15 Greater Spell Penetration
Lvl 1 – Nightshield, MagMis, Jump, Hypnotism
Lvl 2 – Scorching Ray, Web, Resist Energy, Blur
Lvl 3 – Fireball, Haste, Protection from Energy, Suggestion
Lvl 4 – Burning Blood, Phantasmal Killer, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire
Lvl 5 – Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Protection from Elements
Lvl 6 – Acid Fog, Greater Heroism, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
Lvl 7 – Finger of Death, Otto’s Sphere of Dancing
Lvl 8 – Polar Ray
Questions about some spells:
1) Is Hypnotism useful as a lvl 1 spell or are there better suggestions?
2) Do I need Resist Energy at lvl 2 if I am taking Protection from Energy at Lvl 3?
3) Am I better off NOT taking Suggestion at Lvl 3, but instead taking Mass Suggestion at Lvl 6 in place of Greater Heroism?
4) Is Otto’s Dancing good for Lvl 7 instead of taking Otto’s Irresistable Dance at Lvl 8?
Thanks for any input!