Anyone have a decent staff based monk build, I do not have a 32pt build but I do have drow. Anyone help me out here? Was thinkin fire stance, preferable pure monk, not a big fan of multi-classing.
Anyone have a decent staff based monk build, I do not have a 32pt build but I do have drow. Anyone help me out here? Was thinkin fire stance, preferable pure monk, not a big fan of multi-classing.
Well ive played run and caped an acrobat monk build- basically only 1 levels of monk and one in fighter 14 in rogue planning to go 18/1/1... I mean if your going quarterstaff i would by far suggest being a rogue- because if your going monk youd do TONS more damage with your fists... Thats my advice- i mean my Acrobat is by far one of the most fun chters i play... I'm not on my main computer so i can post you the states of my build... I'll post it later tonight
Playing since '06
Mabar for life, Darkness is king[/CENTER]
I personally have one staff based Acrobat/Monk and his build is posted here, mind you it is a 32pt build.
To follow up on what Vallen suggested, there is also a really interesting concepts of a 13Rog/6Mnk/1Rgr or 13Rog/7Mnk.
The thing with pure monks is that they benefit alot more with unarmed combat. There are pure staff based monk builds out there but the best ones are Warforged IMO. If youd like me to throw something together for you I will.