so there I go with bard reroll 21356854634543565643 and it occured to me that the healing line also boosts sonic.
I don't mean hedgehogs or 50's burger joints... nooo shout and greater shout!
It's like playing DDO with capslock on... or so I hope...
anyways, Drow, max charisma with a touch of str to help with dps here and there.
14 str
10 dex
12 con
10 int
8 wis
20 cha
going for spellsinger with the following feats
empower healing
spell pen
greater spell pen
(at 18th) mental toughness / toughness... whichever feels right with mod9
soo as you can see I should have some crowd control going, some decent healing AAANNDD empower + maximise.
while they certainly make you look like a pro healer (for a very limited time)
I took them to NUKE.
that's right, a nuking bard.
now before I get bashed to heck and back... has anyone actually tested this?
and not just with empower or maximise
i'm talking max, empower, all enhancements, greater lore and greater potency.
my main is a sorc.. and just in theory it should hit as hard as a fireball... which is pretty **** hard. With the awesome stun on top of it, it should be quite possible to herd up some baddies then lock them until they drop.
Now.. a fair argument would be to say that why bother with bard? A sorc, wizard.. even cleric will do quite a bit better then you when it comes to nuking.
Why thank you for pointing that out sirs and ladies! It IS true.
On the other hand... I now have a FULL on crowd control and healing bard.. that can also burst DPS. Also not to be underestimated... sonic works on pretty much... ANYTHING.
what do you guys think? what have been your experiences so far?