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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Sorc cant complete misery's peak

    new to DDO
    am i this bad?
    or is sorc that hard to solo?
    cant complete this mission and no responds to tells/shouts/general chat

  2. #2
    Community Member Stamp3de's Avatar
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    If ur new then i'm not suprised and sorcs solo ability is limited at low lvls.
    At cap tho, sorcs can solo quite well.
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  3. #3
    Community Member cluedout's Avatar
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    for your first weapon, pick the greataxe, as your spells, pick charm and niacs cold ray (WF pick charm and repair)

    have fun whacking things with the greataxe, even if you have an 8 strength and no proficiency it is better than the severely underpowered newb wand

    "/joinchannel help" is you friend, shout into that and see if you dont get a response

    have fun and welcome to the game
    Khyber. Shanayney TR wiz. Sahanna 20 Cleric. ossifer of MADM

  4. #4
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    I agree with Stamp3de. All of my sorc characters that I did were before Misery's Peak existed, but I would suspect a totally new person to the game would have a hard time of it. My first character was a wizard, and I just about tore my hair out. Rogues can also have a hard time soloing early content.

    Before you get too frustrated, try a meleeing character to get a better feel for the game, or wait to try to get a party together--even duoing with a fighter or cleric would help a lot. You will definitely find Sorcs and other casting characters worth your time if you have the patience to get them to higher levels, where on many quests they rule the roost.

    Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
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  5. #5
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Burning Hands is a very nice 1st level spell:

    Turn on Defensive Fighting, run around and get a bunch of mobs to follow, group them up and run around them in circles and cast it several times until they die. When they do; turn on defensive fighting again and repeat. Worked great for me.

  6. #6
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    I agree with what was posted however if your new I would suggest trying a different class until you get some experience. A fighter or a barbarian are pretty easy to play.
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
    Go for the eyes Boo!

  7. #7
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    My sorc went with Hypnotism & Niac's Cold Ray. Hypno helps freeze the crowds in place, Niac's lets you pick them off one by one. Also, if you run out of power, remember the shrines are reusable (takes some time for them to reset, but nothing will respawn except in the huge cavern, so just wait by one you've already cleared till you can use it again).

  8. #8
    Community Member Raiken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper View Post
    Burning Hands is a very nice 1st level spell:

    Turn on Defensive Fighting, run around and get a bunch of mobs to follow, group them up and run around them in circles and cast it several times until they die. When they do; turn on defensive fighting again and repeat. Worked great for me.
    with a 0 BAB you can't use defensive fighting

  9. #9
    Community Member Creeper's Avatar
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    You can if you complete the quests to get to Misery's Peak and go to your trainer and level up to level two......

  10. #10
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    thanks for all imput

  11. #11
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    If you shoot us your characters' names, we'll be glad to help you through Misery's Peak if you are still having problems.

    It's an art soloing as a lowbie sorcerer. Something that comes in handy at low levels is the summon I spell, as well as burning hands or niacs. Also, as people suggested, when you're starting to run low on mana, run back to a shrine you have previously cleared, and if necessary, wait for it to reset, rather than pressing on with little mana.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Basically on solo and probably even normal, all of korthos island is completely underpowered as compared to the rest of the game. In the early stages of being a caster forget about using mana for offensive spells, be defensive and try to use some buffs. Now this is a little harder for a sorc as they are limited to what spells they can have and can't change them like a wiz, but if ur going to solo a lot, I would suggest taking mage armor and shield spells and picking the heavy mace as ur weapon as sorc's are proficient in all simple weapons.

    Don't go with the great axe, -4 on top of ur probably already low strength is not going to help. Shield will keep you safe from the casters magic missile which they cast frequently and and also protect you from melee and ranged attacks. Yes even a 20 AC in Korthos on normal will make a big difference.

    Also if u didn't choose it the first time....rerun The Cannith Crystal even on just solo just to get to the end reward and choose the braces of lesser spearblock. There are a lot of archers in Misery's Peak and guess what...having the damage reduced by 3 everytime they hit u is a great asset.

    If u can afford it, and u don't want to take the spells, which I wouldn't blame u, try to save up and just buy a shield and mage armor wand. They are sort of cheap and mage armor lasts 6 minutes per charge.

    If u are going to choose an offensive spell, take Burning Hands for sure, it is the only aoe spell available in the 1st level spell selection.
    Last edited by vVvAiaynAvVv; 06-14-2009 at 07:25 AM.

  13. #13
    Community Member ZaxisDakmorr's Avatar
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    Default Wear Armor

    Well, my wizzy wore studded leather throughout the whole quest there. Most of the mobs cant hit her. Spells?, she "forgot" how to use em there, instead she resorts to longswords (it worked quite well, even killed most mobs using it). Once she got to lvl 2, then the fun begins.

  14. #14
    Community Member Targoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    If you shoot us your characters' names, we'll be glad to help you through Misery's Peak if you are still having problems.

    It's an art soloing as a lowbie sorcerer. Something that comes in handy at low levels is the summon I spell, as well as burning hands or niacs. Also, as people suggested, when you're starting to run low on mana, run back to a shrine you have previously cleared, and if necessary, wait for it to reset, rather than pressing on with little mana.
    Summon I is the most sp efficient spell at level 1. The celestrial dog can often clear an encounter by itself while you sit at a distance and watch. Take mage armor or shield as your second spell if you are not warforged, the ability to stay alive is more important than the ability to deal damage with spells, you can use a mace for that at low level.

    Also, if you are a halfling or have taken move silently / hide you can summon your dog and then stealth up to an encounter. Remain hidden or even back away and let your dog fight, resummon and repeat if necessary. As a wizard, a fun spell for this mission is Charm person. It tends to kill both the charmed person and whoever they are fighting, making it almost as efficient as summon I.
    Last edited by Targoth; 06-14-2009 at 08:43 AM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Jeannie's Avatar
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    If you can get your hands on some bulls strength potions they will help too. My newbie sorc died trying to solo Heyton's Rest on normal, but my level 16 can solo in the Vale Sorcs and Wizards can be a bit of a drag at low levels, but they start getting really fun around level 6 - it's worth it, hang in there

    As others suggested though, you may want to roll a melee toon just to get to know the quests - it makes a huge difference when you know you can open this door safely and get to a shrine even though you are down to 3 hp instead of chugging a bunch of cure potions when you don't need them. You can also learn tactics like where choke points are.

    Drow make good sorcerers and you can unlock drow with 400 points of favor - usually around level 6. If you just want a toon to get you the favor and you don't care about end game, there are lots of options. The much-maligned battlecleric is a great solo toon, be careful in parties though Paladins and rangers also have self-healing abilities and are much sturdier than casters at low levels. A well built pally or ranger will still be viable at end-game whereas some multiclass builds shine early, but then die later. There are some great threads on builds that yo umay find helpful.
    Good luck!

  16. #16
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Another thing I wanted to add.....

    If ur just starting the game, and tho they are not in Korthos at all...once u get to the harbor make sure u save up those collectibles. They will help more than u think.

    And make sure to read the thread about alchemical rituals, aide from funerary tokens and strings of prayer beads which drop in abundance....u never want to turn in the other eight types that can be used for rituals. They are far more rare, and even worth a great amount of plat or good for trading for items.

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