Did you know there is a marketplace chat channel in game that you can use to trade with other people, sell larges, etc?

Steps to join:

1) Enter; /joinchannel marketplace into your general chat window. You should see a similer thing next;(UserChat2): You joined room 'marketplace' (UserChat2). Number of members: 15.

Then, if you have several windows simply right click each one, a menu will apear, go to incoming then find at the bottem userchats 1,2,3 and 4. Depending on how many(if any) User chat channels you are already in will determine which you must select for incoming.

Finally, to type into the marketplace channel, you just do /2 (Note this is for me, it may be 1,3,4 for you depeding on which channels you are already in.

The Marketplace user channel was created by Hurrrrrrrry (Or how ever many R's he is up to now...)