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  1. #21
    Community Member Vint's Avatar
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    It Is Greed!!!


  2. #22
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    Do you have a screenshot of who was leading the Cursed Crypt LFM? I don't recall I could ever solo Cursed Crypt. Maybe you have me confused with other people on the server. I never soloed Monastery or ask for Refuge runes. Besides never soloing refuge quests, when did I ever post an LFM asking to have Cursed Crypt loot.

  3. #23
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    Do you have a screenshot of who was leading the Cursed Crypt LFM? I don't recall I could ever solo Cursed Crypt. Maybe you have me confused with other people on the server. I never soloed Monastery or ask for Refuge runes. Besides never soloing refuge quests, when did I ever post an LFM asking to have Cursed Crypt loot.
    I don't need to, you already admitted to having runs where you claimed rare named loot in LFM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  4. #24
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    If I was asking for all loot that drops that would be greed. If asking for a named item in return for doing all the work, and saving others time isn't generosity, then what is? There have been many times where I have soloed Ghola Fan and not expected anything. My LFMs have helped several others get their first Royal Guard Masks. Sometimes I post LFMs to look for help myself. I guess you don't see my generosity, and I don't expect you to.

    You don't get it and that fine im ok with that keep it up its your reputation and guild that will suffer not mine.

  5. #25
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minor Threat View Post
    I don't need to, you already admitted to having runs where you claimed rare named loot in LFM.

    Well I guess I'll take it as an honor that you wish to give me all the credit for all the "infamy" that goes on.
    Last edited by Pheona777; 06-10-2009 at 10:54 PM.

  6. #26
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Well, you know, lets look at greed. Is it really that bad? And I'm not saying its cool but is it bad? Hey, I'm not an expert on it, are you? All I'm saying is: lets not throw stones in glasshouses. Lets call it "entrepreneurial" instead. Everyone benefits, everyone wins. In fact, if more people were entrepreneurial like Pheona, this game would be a paradise. Am I right or am I right? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Oh go on, answer away!
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  7. #27
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    Well, you know, lets look at greed. Is it really that bad? And I'm not saying its cool but is it bad? Hey, I'm not an expert on it, are you? All I'm saying is: lets not throw stones in glasshouses. Lets call it "entrepreneurial" instead. Everyone benefits, everyone wins. In fact, if more people were entrepreneurial like Pheona, this game would be a paradise. Am I right or am I right? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Oh go on, answer away!

    so your saying everyone should charge new players to complete quests and that would make DDO a paradise?

  8. #28
    Community Member Eternity25's Avatar
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    You can bash my LFMs, and call it charging others. If I did all the work, why shouldn't I get a named item in return for inviting others? Its not like they did any work at all to complete the quest. They're getting freebies. If I can't afford AH prices for the masks, I solo and try to get a helping hand to pull the mask.
    Last edited by Pheona777; 06-11-2009 at 01:12 AM.

  9. #29

    Default Opinions vary

    Quote Originally Posted by Vint View Post
    It Is Greed!!!
    You are of course entitled to your opinion.

    I have participated in many of these types of quests including vale chests/rares, Monastary, Ghola Fan, and most recently Invaders. I have never felt taken advantage of. Even by the guy that charged me 5,000 gold for eight chests in the vale. I did nothing but fork over the gold and collect the loot. Loot that later was sold for easily ten times that.

    As long as the conditions are clearly preset, no one is taking advantage of anyone. Please be sure to identify your pre-conditions in the LFM and when people join. If I disagree or feel being taken advantage of, then I won't participate. It's a little phrase called "win/win". You may have heard of it.

    If this leaves a bad taste in your mouth, there's no need to go spitting at everyone. Besides ain't no one forcing them to give up their stuff. They still have to choose to pass it over.

    Calling someone greedy for this smacks of another agenda...
    Points DeWay, Seneschal, Fellowship of the Golden Night
    "Why no mister Paladin, sir. These coins are not stolen. They were left laying on the ground and as a good citizen I just couldn't leave them there for someone to trip over. Now, could I?"

  10. #30
    Community Member Sauron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    notice a few people been doing this mostly from the same guil maybe the same person idk

    But they go in solo fairly easy quests then toss up a lfm and charge noobs for completions on theses quests

    Some these quests are

    some the vale quest

    and today titan flaggin quests.

    Usualy the price for completions seems to be runes, rarer vale ingredents, or named items if pulled.

    I dont know maybe It's just me but i find these lfm very preditorial towards noobs as any vetran can solo these quests blind folded and pack full of soul stones.

    I think im going to start charging this guild and there members a fee for grouping with me as i can't even begin to count the many many times i have carried there members threw quests and raids or have used way to many resourses getting them threw it with out even a simple ty from most of them to now see them start charging people for completion of quests that are just to easy to do and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that i would like to spit out.
    Out of curiosity do they actually state in their lfm's that they're charging new people? Regardless the one's I've seen (which are extremely rare) have been populated by individuals that are defenitly not new.

    The part that I thought was funny that made me respond while I was browsing the forums was the false assumption that it's predatory to new people when the lfm's defenitly don't read that way or in my recollection target anyone new.

    Of course I could be wrong and there's some pandemic that's suddenly popped up on the server where these lfm's are about as normal as one's that state:

    - experienced only
    - only people that have done the quest before
    - be self sufficent
    - wounders only

    etc... etc...

    Hell, if you have issue with that one specific what about the one's that actually exclude new people like the one's listed above.

    Anyways just curious...

  11. #31
    Community Member Tannniss's Avatar
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    So whatever happened to just running with a full group?..Maybe helping new players learn the quest. Pulling your own chest and doing what you want with the loot?...Is the zerg and greed factor so addictive that you scheme a way to pull outsiders into your solo run so that you can get that one certain item?....If you pull it, what then? you continue at this rate until the coffers are filled with loot and you're only option is to blame Turbine for your lack of interest because "you" have pulled every single item in game?.......
    Missadventur Soth - Lvl 18 Ranger,Binge Soth - Lvl 18 Cleric,Freebird Soth - Lvl 18 Bard,Sumthing Soth - Lvl 17 Fighter...and others
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  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    notice a few people been doing this mostly from the same guil maybe the same person idk

    But they go in solo fairly easy quests then toss up a lfm and charge noobs for completions on theses quests

    Some these quests are

    some the vale quest

    and today titan flaggin quests.

    Usualy the price for completions seems to be runes, rarer vale ingredents, or named items if pulled.

    I dont know maybe It's just me but i find these lfm very preditorial towards noobs as any vetran can solo these quests blind folded and pack full of soul stones.

    I think im going to start charging this guild and there members a fee for grouping with me as i can't even begin to count the many many times i have carried there members threw quests and raids or have used way to many resourses getting them threw it with out even a simple ty from most of them to now see them start charging people for completion of quests that are just to easy to do and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that i would like to spit out.
    if it was on the LFM you didnt have to join . 1 person is not a guild
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    An enterprising idea, if a tad shady.
    IMHO, if they can get people to join the quest & collect the fee they are asking for - more power to em. I'm not mercenary enough to make/join such an LFM, but I won't think poorly of any who do. It's their game time that they pay for, and if there is no harm being done who am I to frown on how they choose to spend it.
    exactly capitolizm at best . pepol dont have to join .
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vint View Post
    You cna group and play with who you want and how you want in the gem. I myslef wont play with people or guilds that like to exploit other unexperienced players.

    P.S. I love Legion
    so thats all the top end guilds . if 1 person is resposibel for a guild TAG . then 1 peron on the sever with all the top end guild tags did this . you all know who i mean
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    Are you sure they were charging others to have entry into the quest? I interpreted it as they would be given the gold if they helped pull the mask. There are a few people on the Thelanis server who do solo quests and look for help pulling things. You could have misinterpreted the LFM.
    that is what happened . THIS IS IT
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vint View Post
    It's bad taste. There are so many post about raid loot "Keep your loot or give it up for roll". I'll be damned if i a going to run a quest with anyone and told that I HAVE to give them something I pulled. Free completion or not, it is pure greed.
    you obviosly jumped on the band wagon this is not a free ride . stop smearing someones name
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
    officer in STORM LORDS.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    Well if you can't see the wrong in charging new players and noobs for completions on flaggin quests then the guild that keeps doing this should have no problem paying My fees when they try and pug into any my raids.
    you r correct if you post it and they join make them OBAY
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minor Threat View Post
    it's not so much the gems, essences, & such.

    It's the.

    "Cursed Crypt - I get Scourge Choker" LFM's

    It's just bad form and he doesn't seem to understand why he gets declined from raid groups.
    no its not . someone got BUT HURT
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    I agree with Sable. You get completion (favor), free chests and end reward and you don't have to do anything but run to the end, in exchange for your rune/stone/ingreds/essence? Sounds pretty fair to me.

    Shady would be letting them join saying "free chests", waiting til they got to the end THEN saying "Oh you have to give me your rune".
    you put it best
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
    officer in STORM LORDS.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minor Threat View Post
    I disagree.
    it is asked before you join . backing out would be shadie
    rocqel, rockcy, roce, rociv, rocsan, jezel, rocel, rocell, gizmos, rocann, spight, spightfull, inate, chaose
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