Wow. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Wow. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I can't wait for that. If they can pull it off I'll be there.
"And if Bruce Dikinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell!"
As a person who owned and created many NWN and NWN2 servers with the Aurora Toolset and it's expansions, I am very much looking forward to this as well.
Well, you're going to have to wait. 2 years off? Hardly worth mentioning at all.
And Atari is still involved, sounds like even more than DDO. Bad idea to keep your hopes up for that one.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
and I bet its 4th edition
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
and we need to remember its not BioWare making it either..
Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
Khyber: SparrHawk Instellius lvl 17 Human Paladin, Storrmyy Instellius lvl 16 Drow Cleric, Teknikal SuhPoort lvl 16 Dwarf Barbarian, Falcynn Instellius lvl 8 Halfling Ranger - Elite Noobs
I love how the commenters emphasize their repulsion to the Eberron world, as opposed to Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk or just a generic D+D world.
That is the biggest reason none of my RL friends play too. I know it has gone round and round, but no matter how much I love this game I always wonder what might have been if that choice went differently.
Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
Dragonmark Alliance : Fernia : Ghallanda
Please note that Atari is only the publisher, not the developer. The skill of Cryptic Studios development team (and WotC meddlings during development) will have a bigger impact on the games quality and success more than Atari being the publisher (although Atari could pull the whole WE HAVE TO SHIP NOW NO MATTER THE STATE THE GAME IS IN thing because they are hurting for cash.)
edited: "only" to "not" in first sentence... typed too fast.
Last edited by Kylstrem; 06-09-2009 at 03:36 PM.
Atari has aquired Crypic. Its not like DDO where they are "just" the publisher.
2-3 years sounds like just enough time for Atari to put too much on its plate (Star Trek, Champions, NWN, exc) and run itself into the ground lol. I seriously doubt this game will ever be released, and if it is it will be post demise of Atari.
My prediction with nothing but Ataris poor track record to back it, take it or leave it.
Dahnee (Clr) - Ro Shambo (Brb) - Donnie (TR FvS) - Selector (Brd/Rog) - Synthe (Wiz)
Order of the Silver Dragons ( Argonnessen