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  1. #1
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    Default Who's going, who's staying?

    Just wanted to know, with the new release, if anyone feels thoroughly disenfranchised with the whole thing or adamantly hopeful. Blah are you leaving?!?!? Also Jondallar can buy some planar girds now yay!!!!!!


  2. #2
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    My account will probably remain active as it's on cheap plan they offered a few years ago, but I'll be deploying this summer and basically out of the game until next May anyway. Doubt I will even see Mod 9's launch though before I go which is a bit of a disappointment.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  3. #3
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorn View Post
    My account will probably remain active as it's on cheap plan they offered a few years ago, but I'll be deploying this summer and basically out of the game until next May anyway. Doubt I will even see Mod 9's launch though before I go which is a bit of a disappointment.
    ****... that sucks vorn. sorry to hear that

  4. #4
    Community Member bartcom2000's Avatar
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    Oh I'm staying, still have alot to do man!
    Next time you get a lecture, just remember the national average salary of any forum admin is comparable to that of your local McDonald's assistant manger........ stating facts must suck.....

  5. #5
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    I'm in the wait and see camp. This may be good or may be really bad, who can tell. Personally I can afford the $15/month so I'm not in any hurry to cancel my account. I can say however I've started to play another MMO and I'm having a pretty good time playing it. I still play DDO, just a lot less than I used to.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    If tot's staying I'm going.

  7. #7
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    If tot's staying I'm going.
    that solves it, i'm staying!

  8. #8
    Community Member Damionic's Avatar
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    weight N sea
    I'm here because your not WISHING HARD ENOUGH!!

  9. #9

    Default *shrugs*

    I always thought I would be here until the shut down the servers.

    I am sad, angry and disgusted. Trying to find hopeful.

    I don't want to buy my gear, pots, arrows, resurrection tokens. I actually like playing to earn them. *shrugs* Otherwise whats the point of playing?

    I started playing other things while we waited.

    I still play just not as much, so maybe I can swallow this one.

    I am so embarrassed by free to play though. Gods, makes me feel like an idiot for 3 years of subscribing LOL

    On the up side now we will be advertised as a free mmo. Oh YAY. Now all the children will be playing again... *sigh*

    I wanted new players though.

    See ya in Stormreach,


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Rowanheal View Post
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
    I don't want to buy my gear, pots, arrows, resurrection tokens. I actually like playing to earn them. *shrugs* Otherwise whats the point of playing?
    You don't have to buy them. You can still play to earn them.

    I am so embarrassed by free to play though. Gods, makes me feel like an idiot for 3 years of subscribing LOL
    Wait.. Just so I understand - you've played and had fun and enjoyed a game for 3 years, and now, because they are changing the way it is priced in the future, you feel regret about the fun you had and the money you paid to have that fun?

    Are you basically saying 'If I had known three years ago that in three years they would offer a free service, I would have waited and played something else for those last three years, so I wouldn't have to pay for DDO'?

    Do you also feel like an idiot when you notice that a movie is on TV, because three years ago you payed to see it? Do you wish you had not payed to see the movie, and waited those three years instead?

    Do you feel like an idiot when you buy a game for $49.99, and then 3 years later it's offered on Steam for $5?

    I don't understand why you feel betrayed (my interpretation) by a change in pricing that you didn't even know about three hours ago.

    I can understand if you bought something and then a day later you discover you could have gotten it for free. But three years??????

    -=[ Archangels ]=-

  11. #11
    Community Member Talyn328's Avatar
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    @JayDubya: Nah, Rowanheal is always extremely negative about any change whatsoever. Often makes me wonder why she plays any type of MMO at all, but whatever.

    I haven't seen specifically said what all will be in the DDO Store other than what's on the announcement VIP vs. Free chart. The Store will contain the Adventure Packs (non-Stormreach content), the Monk and all other new classes, the Warforged and Drow races, extra character slots and the shared banking. No mention of "omg it's F2P so all the raid gear will be for sale" stuff that so many Western players *assume* is in all F2P Item Shops (which is *rarely* the case, by the way). If they put potions or generic gear in there, whatever. Vanguard pulled a similar stunt awhile back and from what I'm reading there, people are mostly preferring to play the game normally and "earn" their stuff from time spent in-game.
    Last edited by Talyn328; 06-09-2009 at 01:18 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Rissten's Avatar
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    I'll prolly stick around till SWTOR goes live then I'll prolly be out. I'm really upset about the store cause it will get players to high level faster without even knowing how to play just buy a couple of the +50% XP potions and you'll be level 20 in a week. yeah that and the fact they have been saying that we were getting this mod for what over a year now and we still have to wait 3 to 4 more months. I think turbine has out done all pervious lies with this one.

  13. #13

    Red face :)

    Jay babe I don't wanna argue with yas.

    I have enjoyed my time in DDO. I don't know yet if I will enjoy DDO unlimited.

    I don't enjoy Xbox Live, gold membership, silver membership, points, buy an expansion with points so on and so forth.

    Dungeon Runners is the nearest example I can think of. It was filled with children, micro transactions, locked gear you could only use if you paid for it, a bank space you could only upgrade with a fee, a level cap you paid to get past and so forth. I thought it an interesting concept. I didn't enjoy it much, but tried it and thought them genius for using it as a revenue stream to get the game actually in a box form on shelves.

    You misinterpreted my embarrassment. Free to play games have a stigma of being crappy. Little development, poor customer service, icky graphics.

    Oh wait... ummm nevermind. I paid to have that privilege with Turbine

    The gaming landscape is changing though.

    I don't want to play with people who buy stuff with a credit card, or points or whatever. But thats me. We all game differently and enjoy it for different reasons and we find challenges in all kinds of things.

    I don't want gear for sale, pots for sale, arrows, adventure packs, resurrection tokens and so forth.

    I don't want to put up an LFM for mid levels and have a guy join, we run to the entrance and he says "Hang on a sec let me go buy Gianthold so I can play with you."

    But on exit surveys Turbine has seen what players do want.

    Apparently this is what we want.

    Alot of you are excited.

    Keep in mind they hit a natural level cap and have now taken the game free to play.

    How excited are you now ?

    Perhaps since we are in the twilight of the game this is a very viable way to keep it a revenue stream which will allow for limited content updates.

    I don't do change. And I am a glass half full person by nature.

    Its new, and different. And I am still going to wait months to see it go live.

    It could be wonderful.

    It could be a disaster.

    Wish they had picked another game to use as their guinea pig.

    See ya in Stormreach,


  14. #14
    Relic of the Last War
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    I'm probably going to watch this one come and as it does, go with the wind.

    The dust will settle and all that is left is a New Game Experience. I didn't think a company would actually attempt this, but it seems to echo the same mistakes that made SWG so dismally poor.

    Yes, the combat system is unique. Yes, it's very complex in building characters still...

    But Rowanheal did summarize one thing very well: the possible uncertainties are tempestuous at best.

  15. #15
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    They don't send me a beta invite soon I'm leaving.
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  16. #16
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Got maybe 4 days left on my subscription and I'm gone. I'd say the chances of coming back are very slim, especially with microtrans BS.

  17. #17
    Community Member Kiranselie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Got maybe 4 days left on my subscription and I'm gone. I'd say the chances of coming back are very slim, especially with microtrans BS.
    Can I have your stuff
    I've got my affairs in order for the coming zombie apocalypse, do you?

  18. #18
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    I feel..


    I don't know how I feel.

    I'm staying. I've forgotten how to leave.


    I figure this is what it will take to save the game and insure we see new content.

    I request.. no I DEMAND new tools for squelching and ignoring the heathen teenage masses should they arrive. Oh, who am I kidding... Please double the size of my squelch and friend lists and send me a 500 turbine point pony.

    Well done, Turbine. Save the game, whatever it takes.
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  19. #19
    Community Member BelVic's Avatar
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    You could spend your real money before for plat farmers if you you can do same for Turbine. Think it goes like Sony back in time start selling items and gold after gave up fighting with plat farmers.

    And seems I read you can get those points for exploring/doing quest now if you want you can grind for those points beyond 500/per month. Since raid items not for sale ...don't think it will have big change for ppl who running raids anyway. Hope you can buy some customize items ( I really want my maladroit qstaff of vertigo +10 -- getting tired to check house D vendor and AH)

    Or may be you can buy large scales now and ppl have to run shroud less now.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Ragemage's Avatar
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    I think its positive. The game will attract a lot more players and show that its 10x better than that WoW, WO, Conan etc...

    Stop your crying.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    Yes, I would say that guild level is some indicater of a guilds "top" ranking.

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