Hi looking to get tons of Dragonshard Fragments and I can't really do it on my own in any reasonable manner due to the insane amount required (like a million)
I very often see people leave these black gems in chests to rot.. Instead of doing that, please mail me them. As you cannot vendor them, and the auction house fees and default pricing make them unaffordable/unsellable in any reasonable supply.
I'll mail back 2000 gold for each stack of 1000 (thats the max you can mail) Also if you have already combined some up, I'll pay a premium for the combined versions - basicly double more what I'd pay for the shards. 10 Tiny = 3000 gold, 100 tiny = 3k platinum
If your just looking to get rid of them, mark the mail as a gift, thanks =)
Keep in mind I will only send platinum for complete stacks of 1000, so combine them up. However if your looking to unload partial stacks fast, i'll gladly accept them for free.
Please mail them to Obliterator. But I know the names harder to remember then Axer, so Axer is fine.