I'd like to do a TWF barb, and I'm not impressed with the capstone. I'm totally new to looking at the class because I've always been thinking from the perspective of monk/paladin where barbarian was off-limits. I'd like to do jump/tumble to be able to flip around, so maybe some extra intelligence and a splash of something where that's a class skill. Some people have suggested 6ranger for tempest, but frankly I have no clue what kind of consequences that has for the barbarian's abilities, or mod9 options.
Just looking for general musings.
You don't have to give me a complete build, just ideas on what to splash, to what degree, and why.
EDIT - reading more. I like Frenzied Berserker III...
Maybe just two levels of fighter or rogue then.
Standard lineup would be... ?
IC: Slash