Hey, fellow Argonnessenz, are you bored?
Are all your best characters capped, and fully decked out?
Do you lack the motivation to roll yet another good, performing character, because you just don't wanna grind the gear again, or feel like he won't be as good as your current main anyways?
Is the eternel wait for the elusive mod 9 getting the best of you?

Then, GIMP might just be the fun fix you need.

What is GIMP
The Get Into Multiclass Project is a gathering of players that wanna tackle the game with a new challenge: play really gimp toons.
This idea is strongly inspired by the Misfits, although GIMP is not a perma-death project.

A GIMP is a character with a randomly selected race, and 3 randomly selected classes. The final class set-up is completely random. A GIMP is also ill-equipped.

So, a full group of gimps will have quite an experience trying to complete quests, and this new, ridicule but fun challenge, is a good way to beat the bore.

These rules are greatly inspired by the Mysfits.
Character creation

Players will need to make official rolls. An official roll is a die roll made with 2 guild witnesses.

First step is to select the race, by rolling 1D6:
1- WF
2- Human
3- Dwarf
4- Halfling
5- Elf
6- Drow

Then, a players rolls for classes. He rolls on 1d10 until he gets 3 different classes that are compatible. Remember, (Monk + Paladin) and (Bard + Barb) are exclusive because of alignements. Once a class is rolled, it cannot be rejected unless it is excluded by a prior class.

1- Paladin
2- Monk
3- Fighter
4- Cleric
5- Rogue
6- Ranger
7- Wizard
8- Sorc
9- Bard
10- Barbarian

Then, the player creates his character. Upon level 3, he must have 1 level of each class.


At level 4, and for all futur levels, the class is chosen randomly. So the player make an official roll (2 witness) on 1d3 to select what class he will be leveling up.

Fent makes a GIMP. He rolls 4 on a D6. He is a Halfling.
Then he rolls an 8 on a D10, he is a sorc. Then he rolls a 1, he is a Paladin. Then he rolld a 10, barbarian, but he cant, since he is already paladin. So he rolls again. he gets a 8. No good, he is already sorc. He finally rolls a 5, rogue.
Fent will be a Halfling Sorc/Paladin/Rogue
He decides to create as a rogue for the skill points. Then, at level 2, he goes Paladin, and picks sorc at lvl 3.
Comes lvl 4, he makes an official roll on a D3, telling his mates that 1 = rog, 2= pal, 3 = sorc. He rolls a 3. Fent will thus level up sorc at lvl 4.

wait wait wait wait
That means we can't plan anything ahead!


Gimp multiclassing means nothing if you dual wield vorpals, so the loot is also very restricted:

- A GIMP can only use what he gets in the chests, or as end rewards. He can also use the money he gets to buy from regular merchants (pots, scrolls, wands).
- A GIMP cannot, ever, use the brokers or the auction house.
- A GIMP can pass an item in the chest to a fellow party GIMP.
- A GIMP can give an item he recieved as an end reward to a party member, if done immediatly after the quest. Once the group disband, or once a new quest is selected, the trade cannot happen. This way, after a quest, a group of GIMPs can all banter together as they select end-rewards.
- A GIMP cannot recieve any items from another source.
- The only exception is, at ONE time, a gimp can recieve, ONCE, a collapsed portable hole and the 10k needed to activate it. Why? Backpack space is quality of life, and has nothing to do with character performance.
NEW: a gimp can also recieve large collectable, gem and ingredient bags, as these are just QoL issues.
NEW: a fellow party member can, before, during, or after a quest, give potions, wands and arrows, to a fellow member.
Other Rules

- GIMPs can only group with GIMPs
- GIMPs can use hirelings
- GIMPs can use any lame, cheesy, strategy, like safe spots, etc..., because, after all, they are gimps, and will need all the help they can get.

Gimps will have focus days, about a day every 3 days. It is my hope that players who decide to make a GIMP will be more prone to play on these focus days, to make it easier to form groups.
Of course, an hardcore bored gimp can play everyday if he wants.
But on focus days, there should be more gimp action. The MotD should hold the next focus day date.

So, who is up for the challenge??
I would wish for about a dozen people, so that there is a possibilty to have 2 groups, or at least 1 running each GIMP day.
Post here if you are interrested.

Already have a few interrests, but the more the better.