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  1. #1
    Founder & Hero
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    Default Well they did it

    Steven long and DOJ has killed champions the super hero role playing game for me.

    Steven in his infinte wisdom has removed com and figured characterstics from the game anyone that has played champions most likely wont recognize the up coming 6th editon. makes me sad in protest for myself I have burned my 5th edtion book(steve wrote it) along with anything else by said author. bow your heads champions is dead

    Beware the Sleepeater

  2. #2


    So that is what they did? I mean I've followed it a little and I've never played Champion's ruleset (I have looked at the books to see just how costomizable every little detail is.)
    But from you post.. sounds like they coded up the online, and are going to release a paper version and call it version 6 to follow the online game?

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    So that is what they did? I mean I've followed it a little and I've never played Champion's ruleset (I have looked at the books to see just how costomizable every little detail is.)
    But from you post.. sounds like they coded up the online, and are going to release a paper version and call it version 6 to follow the online game?
    they are also putting a version which exactly follows the mmo as I understand it at least. The 6th edtion will only be recongnized really by the name on the cover always hatted steven long's work now I hate it more so, cant say a how lot as I got banned there because of my comments on his ability to be a champs guru.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Community Member Depravity's Avatar
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    A) Mr. SqueekyBoBo, my telepathic spider monkey, stands beside you, screeching and throwing ****.

    B) Didn't they learn from DnD 4 being basically an MMO on paper? It's not supposed to be MMOs influence pnp to become simpler, it's supposed to be pnp encouraging MMOs to become more complex.

    I have no basis for comparing Mr. Long's version against anything else (Got introduced late, so all I ever played was 5th), but this "MMo on paper" really needs to be stopped.
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  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Depravity View Post
    A) Mr. SqueekyBoBo, my telepathic spider monkey, stands beside you, screeching and throwing ****.

    B) Didn't they learn from DnD 4 being basically an MMO on paper? It's not supposed to be MMOs influence pnp to become simpler, it's supposed to be pnp encouraging MMOs to become more complex.

    I have no basis for comparing Mr. Long's version against anything else (Got introduced late, so all I ever played was 5th), but this "MMo on paper" really needs to be stopped.
    5th was just a tweaked version of 4th really not many diff's there just didnt like his layout and I had a friend the helped write the orginal viper book and Mr long decided they needed to rewrite it for 5th and replaced my friends name with his, the main thing I dont like is his arrogance that his name has to be on any product and while you may voice your opinon it doesnt matter unless your thoughts are exactly the same as his. Do yourself a favor and look for a copy of the big blue book and the original viper book by cliff

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Community Member studentx's Avatar
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    That was my response to 4th ed.
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  7. #7
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Steven long and DOJ has killed champions the super hero role playing game for me.

    Steven in his infinte wisdom has removed com and figured characterstics from the game anyone that has played champions most likely wont recognize the up coming 6th editon. makes me sad in protest for myself I have burned my 5th edtion book(steve wrote it) along with anything else by said author. bow your heads champions is dead
    Sad to hear it. Champions/Hero System had to be the most customisable game out there. It scaled pretty well at all levels.
    As big as disaster as Fuzion Champions.
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  8. #8
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Heh. After reading the OP, I had to go check my Champions book to see what edition it was. It doesn't even have an edition number, just "Champions Deluxe". Funny, I never felt any need for a "new, improved" version of that

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