Scourge Choker
Tome and Shield pieces
Breastplate of Vol (+5 mith BP, +4 dex)
Vorpal Kukri (has a kicker, not sure what though)
Larges (no scales or stones)
+4 holy burst silver greatsword <--------- pending
Ghost touch of disruption greataxe
Jorgundal's Collar
Mentau's Googles
+2 holy handwraps of GLOB
+1 GT handwraps of disruption (min lvl 10, RR human, umd 20)
Steadyhanded armbands
Deaths locket
Gloves of the forgotten craft
Giantcraft Siberys Compass
Ring of the stormreaver prophecy
+1 vorpal handaxe of shatter +2
+2 int x6
+2 dex x2
+2 con x4
+2 wis x4
+2 cha x4
+2 str x2
( if you want a +2 Int tome your going to have to pay a lot, 2 scales won't cut it)
+1 dex tome
In game on Madelline, Madellia, Madecklin, Crimsonangel, Osgaurd or Wraiyth