This weapon ACTUALLY COULD be useful as a pit fiend beater, so offer away. I would enjoy offers of Plat, or maybe a Large ingredient or two. No Chains, No Bones. Let the games begin.
Originally Posted by gamblerjoe if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination. Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.
I offer a limited 30 second MLP subscription.
Originally Posted by Cordelia How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah? Originally Posted by Mhykke My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?
Trade Pending. MLP offer was good, but i really need the ingreds.
Trade Threaded, Clompleted Closed.
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