I know it may not be to good but i would like to buy a Hammer of the Leaden Clouds. PM me if you got 1 so we can work out the price thanks!
I know it may not be to good but i would like to buy a Hammer of the Leaden Clouds. PM me if you got 1 so we can work out the price thanks!
Last edited by additionishard; 06-03-2009 at 08:13 PM.
[RENEGADE (Monk) - LEGION - FOUNDER AUG 2005]Blutus, Bodak, Diablo, Guilloteen, Jellybean, MantikorMarauder, Renaissance, Rigormortiss, Ungajinga, Valkyrie1st ww Tower/Vision/Abbot/Shroud, Epic VoN/Chrono, Reaver Xoriat * 1st capped Permatoon
But its ok i gt another 1 but thanks for offering.