In the end, you will rarely use Wind stance OR ki. Kukris or Rapiers are just much better weapons. The Monk level is all about the AC and feat. However, while leveling up the build, Wind stance is indeed quite useful. It comes at Monk 1, so the 2nd level of Monk is less critical. (I personally like it, but a strong case can be made for picking up the extra d6 of SA by ending on an odd Rogue level. And you get Evasion from Rogue levels anyhow.)
I don't have 1750 favor nor am likely to in the near future. I just don't play that way. But 28-point Halfling still beats Drow for DPS Rogue. If you are interested in the 13/6/1 combo, I created a 28-point version of that in post #29 of this thread (and you may want to read before that for some context):
For that build, taking the 2nd Monk level is probably NOT a good idea. Rogue 13 offers not only extra SA damage, but also another of the 3 "awesome Rogue feats": Crippling Strike, Slippery Mind, and Improved Evasion.